Saturday, April 19, 2003

I had a dream. Or I dreamed that I did.
I had heard that the place was somewhere at the end of the earth so to speak. I forget where I was, maybe Colorado, maybe Mexico or Canada. I was with someone else. We drove up and over huge cliffs and through long deep dark valleys. It was night time. we got to a place that looked very foreign. There was no one around. my friend said we should call to make sure we were in the right place. I just wanted to do it. but I called. I don't know who I spoke with. I did not know her. We were parked in a cave thousands of feet up a mountain at this point. You walk a little through this cave through the snow. Very cold. Ice sickles hanging everywhere and we reached this opening in the cave. We looked out over this cliff and it just went down forever. you could see so many stars and stars and stars and maybe down below there was water, I don't remember. So we just jump? You can climb down she said. But you are sure this will take us there? yes. She was confident. She was already there. how was I speaking with her then? I told my friend I would just jump. He looked at me like I was crazy. gave me this smile like guys do, saying, well good luck you crazy fuck. I don't even know if he was going or not really. I told him look we are going to die. That's why were here. We’re going to the other side. How does it matter now how we do it. if I just let go and jump its o.k. what's the worst that can happen. I wanted that thrill anyway of just flying through the air. It looked like I would hit water eventually down there and maybe that would lead down to something. I wondered if I would drown first and then “die” or if just by the act of leaving the cliff whether through jumping or walking down that that act in itself would take you to the other side. The last thing I remember was talking to this woman again before I jumped. I had that same feeling you get when you are about to go under before an operation. Scared, slow, at one with myself, singular thoughts in my mind. Trying to hang on to my sanity. ‘and you're sure that you’re.... I paused. ‘you are alive right?’ ‘yes’ she said. ‘but you aren't here anymore?’ ‘no she said. I felt kind of dumb asking the questions, redundant, like I wasn't a true believer. But I could feel it was true. Just making sure. You could sense it in the air all around this whole area. You could sense that we were in a magic place. You could sense when you looked out over this opening in the cave that we were looking beyond earth, out and away from this dimension entirely. We had found an opening (maybe there are more than one on earth?) into the other side. Death without an accident or cancer or waiting for it for a long time. Deliberate. I was ready. I wanted to badly to get there. I didn't think about it. or count to three or anything. It all happened very quickly. I looked at my friend and just jumped out. I wanted it so bad. I can’t remember much after that. time slowed down, everything froze. I kind of froze in time, got very cold. 

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