Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Good news and views from an enlightened mind can be found here:
Now Age Interview
Progressive Views on the News   

In other not so good news check this out:

Hollywood man burns military vehicle after learning his son died in Iraq


Jazz just called me and told me the news. marines come to tell father that his son died in Iraq last night. the father goes into his house, gets a kerosene can and a torch, jumps in the marines jeep (how the hell did they let him do that?) and lights the jeep and himself on fire. Fucking crazy.
Jazz says,  God that is awful. This happened right around the corner from where I work. Do you think we are going to see more of that? I don't know. but I think so. I think people are really freaking out over this thing. its not like other wars. But didn't he understand his son was fighting a war? That's the risk. What are we going to do? the truth is we need these kids to go fight these wars. It sucks for the families but they're necessary. I disagree. 

You do? Yes. totally. we don't need these kids dying for this non-war so a bunch of rich white guys can make money here in America. Its total bullshit. its different if we were being threatened in some way. then yeah, we would all be fighting this war together. but that's why the country is so torn apart about this. in their hearts most people know what's up and they are just trying not to think about it, except when some poor parents find out their son or daughter has been killed. Then it really hits home. it becomes very real. And it sucks and it hurts and its made all the more painful because they aren't really behind the invasion of Iraq in the first place. they're just hoping their kids will get out alive. And when they don't, they fucking go nuts. Because what are they going to do? celebrate the valiant cause of this effort? It’s a bullshit effort.

Do you think the fathers reaction would have been different if it was a different war? Do you really think it was because it was this war?
Yes. totally. and stop calling it a war Jazz. Its not a war. It was and still is an invasion. The Iraqi people are fighting a war. America is invading another country. there's a difference.
But you know what I mean...

Yeah I do. But still there's a big difference. Look, in the long run, maybe this thing is going to turn out for the better for us. I'm sure it will. I see the big picture. We’ll have a military base in another country in the middle east so that will assure us more peace in the middle east, at least for us. and we’ll have control of the second largest oil reserve in the world. so in the long run yeah its going to mean more prosperity for us and chances are for the Iraqi people too. but that's not going to make some Costa Rican immigrant family feel any better about losing their son. That's not a reason to lose our friends and family members. If Iraq or any other country came over here by boat or by plane and attacked us like with Afghanistan or the Japanese in world war II, then yeah we’re all going to fucking get our guns and do our best to kill them, fine. But this is just not right. all the lies about why we went into this... its fucking crazy. Of course the guy torches the marine vehicle. he was pissed. He was enraged. Who wouldn’t be. he just lost his first born son and every day on TV we find out about more lies we were told about the invasion. How's he supposed to feel?

Fishy what are we going to do?
I don't know. what I can’t believe is that more people aren't taking to the streets and doing more. that's what's so weird to me. its this complacency in the face of the horror and deceit of it that I can’t believe. Its eerie really. What else have you heard about the man?
Not a lot. He's at Jackson memorial. He may not live. I'm on my way over there now to cover the story. I will let you know.
Yeah, please do.
You think you'll talk to him?
I don't know if he is conscious.
Well if you do get a chance to talk to him, tell him that we’re sorry. Tell him that everyone is saying they are really sorry.

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