The irony of it all of course being that the woman I have loved more than any other in the last two years since I have been uninvolved is married with two children and lives three thousand miles away. [of course I'm told by those ‘oh so perceptive’ friends that its only because she is unavailable and impossible so that's what makes it so safe and appealing.] I would never do anything with her or even let on that I feel this way. out of respect for everyone. I really just want to be able to experience hanging out and making love to all of these great women that are in my life simultaneously, not necessarily at the same time although that would be great, but just intermittently. Without any hurt feelings or anger or possessiveness, but just because I love them all. and they all make me feel great and I don't think I'm the right one for any of them to marry or anything, so I hope they can see that and just enjoy knowing me and being with me when they can and enjoy what I DO offer them, rather than trying to box me in to what they think they need or want in their life and trying to make me that. that's the dream anyway. Whether or not one can make it a reality is a different story altogether. There was this one night with this girl from Mexico the other day, Claudia. She was amazing.
Me and the guys in the studio practicing—to start recording more material.
“One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.”
I found that in my pda—I don't know who said it.
Last Movie: the American president series part 2. “If a man hasn’t made a million dollars by the time he's thirty, then he isn't worth much.” Herbert Hoover said that in the early nineteen hundreds.
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