USA Today has all these headlines about the continuing Iraq saga. And each headline says something like: ‘Rebels are also active in the north...’ or ‘Rebels are shooting at aircraft’ or ‘At times guerrillas fire from the back of trucks...’ Lets get this straight. We told the whole world we want to attack and invade this country. The whole world voted on it and said almost unanimously “No, don't do it. Those days are over. We stopped the whole invasion thing back in the forties you guys. You will just have to find another way to accomplish your goals.” But we did it anyway. So now the whole world is mad at us and thinks we have been taken over and are being controlled by these not so smart and evil madmen and they watch as we struggle to bring down an entire country and its people as the whole world watches. So now we are in their country as invaders and foreigners and strangers shooting everything up and changing everything around, and they are trying whatever they can with all these tactics everyday to defend their country to get us out of there. But in the American papers they are being called “rebels” or “guerillas?” They're not being called what they are, “the Iraqis” or “the Iraqi people.”
It is truly fucking hilarious. Twisted and sad. You can live forever and still be completely shocked by the audacious idiocy of some of the people around you. The front page of USA Today, it seriously says “Rebels fire at aircraft... some of the guerillas used assault weapons...” They aren't reporting that the Iraqi people are trying to defend themselves against the foreign invaders by firing at them with whatever they have left from the backs of a few trucks... they are seriously calling these Iraqi people rebels... amazing really. The whole world told us not to invade their country, and we did it anyway. Who are the rebels here? Who are the guerillas? No offense against our American brothers and sisters in arms over there, cause God knows they're just doing their job, but last time I checked, people dressed up in full military garb, carrying guns and going around shooting things, and attempting to take over a sitting government of a country, these people were called guerillas. That's what the word means. It doesn’t refer to the government who is being taken over. And these papers know this. Every thinking person in the world knows this. But have we changed the meaning of this word now? Does this word guerilla now just mean “anyone who is against the United States” regardless of what side they are actually on? Right before our eyes, all of us, each one of us, is being deceived and manipulated; watching total revisionist history being written day by day. History is not being recorded by our TV or newspapers. It is being rewritten and changed to reflect a completely different and false story than what is really happening. [but bear in mind that this only happening in America. not the in the rest of the world...]
O.k. so we were told this growing up if we had intelligent parents. We already knew this. but watching it in action is another story. I feel sick inside. But the deeper question is of course, if they are doing this about the Iraq invasion, what else are they doing this about? What else are they not telling us? What other arenas are being totally changed for someone’s own devices? What other histories are being rewritten to reflect not the truth but some private group’s secret or not so secret agenda? As the people begin to realize their own powerlessness against their government and its wickedness, lies, and deceit, a despondency grows in them. They take refuge in more opiates and alcohol, in fanciful reality television shows, in the mindless and purposelessness world of celebrity, and in more and more increasingly insane stimulants...
The media who are doing it, shoving the manure down the throats of the masses who they think want it, they just don't know any better. They’re making money. So they aren't thinking.
“And its not like I'm some doomsayer,” I looked down at the floor.
“Well you sound like a doomsayer. What is it you are saying then if its not all doom and gloom?”
“Well I'm described as an idealist by the people who are closest to me. and I think I am. I just think that now its gotten so insane, the lies between what is real and what is pure fabrication are so blurred now, that the people, me included, are just running away from it. You don't get much more unreal than our supposed reality TV, do you?
“That's funny. I never thought about it like that.”
“Its true though. And seriously, we grow up with all this propaganda in our school textbooks about how wonderful the presidents of the United States are. and all these ideals that our country was founded on. And for the most part, except for some minor flubs here and there..” the commentator laughs. “O.k., major flubs, but ones which we have been very forthright in correcting over the years, I think we've done a great job at keeping to those high ideals. In fact I think we have made many improvements over the centuries.”
“Specifically you are referring to...”
“Things such as civil rights for minorities and all of that. we've really been coming along. But now, the last few years, the Clinton years were no exception, God and neither were the Bush or the Reagan years, I think its just kind of been going down hill. Every president is revealed to be some kind of pathological liar playing a whole different game behind the scenes than the one he is pretending to play in front of the cameras for the people.”
“And you think that is having a big impact on the American people?”
“A tremendous impact. I think that we have all become a little insane in a way. I mean, if you can’t believe the president, then what can you believe? Where is the line? Where are our reference points now?”
And just when we thought it couldn’t get any funnier, Michael Moore has a new book out, this one is definitely a front runner for title of the year, called “Dude, where's my country?!”
“The funny thing is that this chick comes from a wealthy family in Connecticut. And Verena comes from God knows what...”
“White trash.”
“O.k. fine. White trash from Mississippi, but its weird cause she has more class than Lolita.”
“What makes you think she should have class cause her parents have money? You know this already. Its got nothing to do with it.”
“Well its just we tend to equate the two together, money with class. It’s the stereotype.
“Well maybe the wealthy do, but intelligent people know that it has nothing to do with money. Often times Fishy the wealthiest people are the lowest and scummiest. They may have the trappings of wealth, because they have a lot of nice stuff, but still when you speak with them, they have gutter mouths. You're the one who taught me this. Its how Verena carries herself.” “That's what gives her class.”
“And that's why Lolita, even though her parents may be rich, comes off like an ignorant slut.”
“Yes my friend. You're learning dog.”
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