Sunday, August 08, 2004

Bas finally graduated from college. This was a huge achievement for him; and for Cleopatra and me. he had been working on it for about six or seven years. I felt a deep sense of pride and satisfaction from it, since I had been his main supporter along with Cleo for all of these years. this was my way of making up for the fact that I never had that same support from my own family by the time we hit the college years and thus I was never able to finish myself. So it was important to make sure that Bas finished no matter what. I was bit older than he was and was able to make it happen. it was a phenomenal feeling. Just can’t describe it. just an awesome feeling. Another achievement completed.   

I'm on the phone with a realtor in Tucson az talking about investing there. you cannot believe how cheap real estate is there. a three bedroom home for 100. in Miami that would cost 300. in New York it would cost a million.

Drinking a mojito at a cafĂ© in the middle of the afternoon. Thank God for them. I think I'm starting to need alcohol. At this time. mojitos at least. It’s funny. I never much got into alcohol before. always been too much of a workaholic to be an alcoholic, so to speak. Never liked the way it slows you down the next few days. well that's not true entirely. I've gone through my stages of extreme alcoholism, back in college and on the road. I think that's mandatory, but somehow I always pull out with no problem. like my body is not prone to being addicted to it, which is made all the more strange because I come from a long line of alcoholics on my fathers side. But it never got to me. I can drink as much as I want to for a few weeks or months and then just wake up one day and stop drinking for years. I like how it calms me down these days. I can just sit and have a drink while I work. I am amazed by wireless technology now around American cities. I can walk around with this laptop and log onto the Internet anywhere I go just by opening her up. and with the cell phone, well, you can pretty much work a full day anywhere with just your briefcase and nothing more. we don't even need desks or offices anymore. 

In other news, we have nailed down a studio to record our new album. Up in the woods in Indiana. More later. But no national booking agency.

Thinking of going to Paris in sept. and then to parma, Italy to do more research.

It finally happened. After two years I found Calvin Klein slim-fit black jeans. Button fly, black label. The best fitting black jeans in the world. Seriously. as hard to believe as that is, they arrived today. two pairs. I found this dealer up in Brooklyn who found a way to order them. Discontinued forever, there are only one hundred pairs left in the entire world, at the Calvin Klein corporate factory. Once they're gone they're gone. They fit like a dream. Lena had been searching for years for me and was unsuccessful. I told her that one day I would find them and show her that anything is possible if you try hard enough. It took me two years. Well there it is.  

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