Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Not So Powerful Now

We live in a world which is constantly evolving. Never finished. If you're asking questions about now you're missing the point entirely. The problem with journalism today is that those who participate in it are obsessed with what's happening today. In the present. Which tomorrow will be yesterday. And in two days be old news or entirely forgotten. When the world is looked at with a more historical perspective in mind, we see the bigger picture. We lose the need to analyze and translate what's happening in the moment and instead ask bigger questions. About what things might be like in the future.
The only thing that interests me is the future, for it's the closest target we can aim for in our quest to understand the bigger questions left still unanswered. Most of what transpires in the present is meaningless and already yesterday's news before it's even been written about. The news media, writers, journalists may be interested in it. The common man and the masses may claim to be interested in it. But it's not the stuff that keeps us up at night. Nor what fuels our passion to wake up each morning after. When I view the world, I view it from the future, a far away future, a more evolved future. Always looking back, sometimes to the now, but usually to a time years or decades ahead of now. When confronted with a problem of the now, it seems petty and small, when accompanied by the knowledge that in the end things will work themselves out in ways very few few can even imagine.
Thus it's of very little importance to ask "why did North Carolina ban same sex marriage?" for example, when we already know that in the not too distant future North Carolina will reverse the ban and the country will celebrate its catching up and coming out party. It is equally as mundane to question how one feels about the Tea Party, or the Occupy Movement, or modern day presidential elections. Knowing that they too will fade from the micrscopic lens of supreme importance just as everything does, and instead give way to the bigger stuff of import: that humankind will fight and endure as long as It has to until it no longer has anything in it's way to fight or endure, that in the end man's struggle for freedom and autonomy will win out in the end, just as it always does. The individual political powers parties movements and even the struggles themselves will soon become mere footnotes in our collective history, the names unimportant. What is important is that humankind will survive, no matter the odds, and eventually thrive. This is the future. A far better subject to contemplate and write about.

1 comment:

  1. Kerri8:39 PM

    A brilliant I share and wish others to understand. I could have never said it aloud so precisely as you did....but internalize the view of life you portrayed each and every day...and through my work, I am creating a world that can be as you envision. Our every day work you said the thing that drives you each morning to get up and do more work is just this vision..........the intuitive knowledge, that life will (as WE ALL know it DEEP INSIDE) will transcend and the true meaning will shine through giving us the true reality of life.......brining the past future and the present together.....for there is no distinction.


Thank you for your comment. You rock for taking the time to share your ideas and opinions with others.