Monday, August 06, 2012

Conspiracies Yes. Theories No

          I can't recall how many times I have heard people refer to the dissemination of what's really happening in the world today in regards to the global elite and the so called New World Order as "conspiracy theories". Countless times. Obviously. The problem is that you can't call something happening right in front of your face a "theory". Conspiracies? Yes. Theories? Not even close. Not any longer.
          I was first introduced to the idea that everything we see, hear and read in our mainstream day to day lives might not be the whole truth and nothing but the truth when I was around 19 years old from what I can remember. On my way to sound-check for a show we were doing one night down on South Beach. I see it as fate now. Because I have learned so much since those days. But back then it was just curiosity. I didn't yet see the connection of everything and all things, how they all tie into each other. I looked down and noticed a strange and slightly disfigured picture of the Pope on a soaking wet, wrinkled up and sun ravaged pamphlet in a mud puddle on the ground. I was raised Catholic, and although at that time I was exploring many other religions of the world including atheism (yes that is most certainly a religion) and humanism, I certainly didn't know anything about the so called "Catholic Church" being the least bit "evil". Silly, unnecessary and man-made, yes. But not inherently and deliberately evil.
          Now of course after many years of study, like anyone over the age of 21, I've come to realize that "The Church" as they arrogantly call themselves was nothing but a ruse, the declining Roman Empire disguising itself as a religious institution in order to use the fear of a God in order to continue to control the populace as they had for five centuries prior.
Something they've become even better at through the last fifteen centuries since they made the transition from overt dictatorship to covert theocratic oligarchy. I studied the materials and historical data that the pamphlet spoke of, how miserable the Catholic Church had made human beings on earth for centuries; how they secretly controlled large parts of the world and a major faction of human civilization; how they are actually not only one of the world's largest and wealthiest corporations, but also their own freaking sovereign nation, housing themselves inside of Rome, but being totally separate from Rome and Italy. In other words, they could do whatever they wanted to under the guise and protection of "being a church", but they also had the power of a corporation and as a country unto themselves to compete on the world stage in just about anything they wanted to. It began to make sense while growing up I had noticed that pretty much all world leaders from every country in the world make these strange visits to "the Pope" even if they aren't Catholic. Getting permission one assumes... But this realization was only the beginning.
          From there my research led me more into things like the Illuminati, global economics and the monetary system as a whole, how insidiously upside down it is to serve the very rich by taking from the very poor. Black magic, strange secret clubs and rituals. Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, The Bilderberg Group, the New World Order. On and on it went. There is no need for me to go into it here. For not only have I written about it extensively in the past in these pages, but all of it and more is covered in voluminous detail in the Pinterest Board I have put together entitled The Good Stuff! This is the reason for this particular Post. I receive the same questions on a pretty regular basis from friends and fans all over the world about which books or DVDs I would recommend to them to learn more about all these so called conspiracy theories. I receive even more queries about which self development courses I would recommend people take, which books to read about quantum physics or consciousness exploration and the New Age type stuff. It is impossible to answer each and every letter or email I get. So I decided to just compile a general list that would give anyone a decent head start on the path to learning about all of these various topics.
           I've heard every excuse in the book for why certain individuals do not believe that the majority of people on planet earth are being led and controlled and are inadvertently and unknowingly fighting a global elite of a very small and select group of individuals that call themselves The New World Order. Some are just ignorant. But most people now are keenly aware of this fact, but just feel helpless to do anything about it. So they choose instead not to begin to dive into it because they feel there is nothing we can actually do about it. I disagree wholeheartedly with this assumption. There is plenty to be done. And indeed it is now reaching the point where our very survival will depend on whether we do something or not. Turn on the news for a few days, open your eyes and your mind, view the world and the events transpiring around the world right this very minute with a fresh viewpoint as if you are from another planet and seeing all these things for the very first time. It will become very clear within minutes that "those days", THAT time, the one that's been prophesied about and we've dreaded for so long is now here. Now. It's happening right in front of us. Perhaps everything revved up so slowly that we never stopped to notice how insane things got, much like we do when watching children grow. One day they are toddlers and next thing we know they are graduating from college. Where did all the time go?
          Well the same can be said about our place in human history in modern times. No one knows for sure what's going to happen. Only a fool would say they do. But one thing is for sure. Our once great freedom loving United States of America has turned into a police state, seemingly over night. And there is mad chaos and pandemonium happening all over the world to a degree that we have never witnessed before. Again, there is no need for me to go into it here personally. For it will all be covered in the books and DVDs in the following Resource List in the aforementioned Pinterest Board.
          The most important thing for us all to realize at this time in our history is that there is nothing wrong with calling things as we see them. And there is nothing wrong with attempting to right the wrongs that we believe we see around us. Remember, it was the victims' families of 9/11 who originally started calling attention to all the holes in the official story of that tragic event. Not some crazy conspiracy theorists as the powers that be would have us believe. But just plain old everyday peace and country loving Americans. They weren't crazy to see how many questions were left unanswered about that day and the years and events that followed. They were just calling it as they saw it.
          The same can be said for the rest of us. There are a host of serious problems we are facing as a people, against a small group of others who we know very little about. One thing we do know about them is that they seem to possess no empathy for their fellow man whatsoever. They are not like us in this regard. But as always I remain eternally optimistic and believe that in their hearts they are very much like us at some level. It is up to us to help them see the light once more and break free from the chains that bind them to greed, selfishness and the ability to commit some of the most heinous acts ever perpetrated against man by man. There is plenty of hope to be found in the world all around us. As things appear to be getting "worse", they also seem to be simultaneously getting better. More and more people are waking up. So remember, you are not alone. WE are not alone.
          NO matter what anyone calls you or accuses you of, if your aim is true and your intentions noble, you can believe in yourself. We are not guilty just because our views don't happen to align with the deceit and lies perpetuated by the mainstream media and the governments of the world. We are not guilty even if they claim we are. They may accuse us of treason. But we all know that in the end what we really are in our hearts are brave patriots who love our country and love humanity. Nelson Mandela was found "guilty" in his home country and imprisoned for 27 years. But was he guilty? Never.
          A caveat: remember that life is balance. We wouldn't be here now if we were not meant to be. Which bodes well for us all. For if YOU are here, now, then it means there is a reason for it. You've got something to offer. But in order to give our best we have got to maintain our sense of peace and balance. As you begin to investigate the true mechanisms of how the world around us works, remember to balance it with an equal dose of actions and activities that bring love and peace and comfort to you. Turning yourself into a paranoid hermit who hates the world will not help anyone. It will only help accomplish what the powers that be want in the end, a world full of frightened robots and automatons who do as they're told and nothing more nor nothing less. That isn't why we were born. That's not why we are here. And deep inside, in our core, we all are aware of this. Be not afraid. There are more of us that we realize..
            There are people all over the world who are stepping up and taking charge to help in one noble goal or another. It is a miraculous time to be alive. My sincere belief is that there is much more good happening in the world around us at the moment than bad. It's just that for whatever reason the governments of the world, our elected leaders, and the mainstream media don't often focus on these things. But a little study will show anyone with an open mind that this is true. Whatever it is that you decide to do to help will be the right thing. Maintain a healthy neutrality. Remember to be positive in all actions and manners. And remember our oath to non-violence that we have seen work time and time again throughout our history. I have personally witnessed friends and colleagues get shot with rubber bullets or be sprayed in the face with burning pepper spray or be kicked to the ground and handcuffed and carted off to jail and still not raise a fist or put up a fight. These are bold actions. Bolder than those taken by people who immediately let their emotions get the better of them and resort to violence. Violence as we have learned only begets more violence. And that is the last thing the world needs more of at this time in our history.
          My collecting and posting the books, websites and DVDs in the Pinterest Board entitled The Good Stuff is just one example of "doing something". A wholehearted and compassionate attempt to help awaken others and answer as many of people's questions about these topics as possible all in one shot. As we all do, I care. And if this helps, that would be a very good thing. There is no greater feeling in the world than helping another. At some point, I will also post my own personal Survival Items and Action Items Check List for the same reason. "Doing something" is the least that each of us can do. Click here to view The Good Stuff resource list on Pinterest. 

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