Saturday, September 08, 2012

Once Again Realizing That It Is We Who Are Creating It All

          WOW is all i can say. How i feel. From yesterday's procedure. The processing I did. Was going to post a simple status update and tweet. But i felt that would be irresponsible. That's such a temporary place to sit something so important. So transient and temporary. And this... is too good to handle so casually. Better to place in a spot where as many people as is humanly possible can also benefit from it. Though I don't always believe that a blog entry needs to drag on forever (regardless of what the past ten years' worth of entries might suggest... Ha!) My God can it be this easy? Well truth be told it doesn't actually feel that easy. OK let me elaborate on that for a moment so no one gets confused as to what I'm saying with that. YES - the realization of this reality, the reality, the truth itself is easy. But practicing it, making use of it on a consistent basis, day to day, hour to hour does not yet feel that easy. I hope that people understand what I am saying, understand the difference. In other words, what I realized yet again -- that it is WE who are in reality creating our day to day moment to moment experiences in this physical life -- is an incredible concept, for if it is true, then life surely is way easier than any of us realize. As in EASY. But making use of this realization, of this fact, of this reality, is not that easy at first. You've got to get used to it. And accept it. Allow it. And easy into it like a hot bath. And just give in to how powerfully easy it actually is for us to create every minute of the day as we truly desire it to be.
          Let me explain. Again it has become ridiculously apparent to me. As it always does. That it is all US. All of it. What we are experiencing in almost every moment of every day, in every minute of the day, from the big to the small, from the most minute and unimportant details to the most profound and important events of our lives, is up to US. It is WE who are creating it. We are creating it all based on the beliefs that we are holding onto.

          I don't have the time to argue with those who don't yet agree or know or believe this fact to be true. More than 17 years ago, when I discovered this fact for the very first time, I felt a very strong desire or willingness at least to help others see this truth. For whatever reason most people do not like this idea at all. Casually mention it to them and they will immediately go off on some tirade or another. For a variety of reasons that are all entirely unimportant. For whatever reason the idea that WE are creating our reality really ticks most people off. They become very defensive, and offensive. It is as if they WANT to be victims of a life where "things just happen to us" and we do our best to "handle these things".
          But let us forget those people and refocus on those of us who are well past all that and know for the most part -- or at least have an inkling of it -- that this is how it's really going down, that we really are the creators of our own realities. For it is US, YOU, ME, who this is aimed at. Let me share the details of what I am speaking of specifically so we have a better record of the event that once again led to this discovery.
          As of late I have found myself living a reality that I did not prefer. Not entirely, but certainly around the edges there are things that I would change at the drop of a hat if I had the power to. Enduring certain aspects of my life that feel "out of my control" rather than enjoying all them. Sound familiar? Yes I know. That's life. As we say. And trust me, up until yesterday I would have totally agreed with you on that; would have totally gone down that philosophically bumpy road with you. Gladly. For there is nothing more soothing than agreement with others. Especially in relation to anything that we do not enjoy.
          Truth be told the "aspect of my life" that I am specifically referring to here is finances. Money. Or the lack of it. Of course that particular aspect of our lives is completely relative. Having a lot of money or not is subjective. It all depends on who is talking about it. And we know that. So let's move beyond it except to say that for me personally, and my beloved Princess Little Tree, we did not feel that we had or were making enough money, or at least not as much as we wanted. And that's really what it comes down to, i.e. what we want versus what we might be experiencing in reality. If one has risen to the level where they realize that our purpose here on earth (one of them at least) is to become one with our innate ability to fully integrate this life in the physical and control it so well that we can create pure bliss and joy for ourselves in every moment (which in turn enables us to do the same for everyone else around us as often or as much as we desire to), then they will understand that the core challenge of it manifests as a measure of how much of our lives are we enjoying and feeling in control of versus how much of it feels like it is "just happening to us" and "we are doing our best to make the most of it".
         I found myself on the phone with my mom. Sister Mary Theresa is still going strong with her therapy work, helping people all over the world gain a better understanding of all of this. I regretfully admitted to her that I had once again found myself in a situation that felt out of my control, living a life that i was not completely happy with, at least not this particular aspect of it, money and finances. She asked me to intensify my attention on what belief might be the core belief that is specifically creating this reality. I shared some events with her, some ideas that others had told me, some ideas that have come to my own mind as I contemplated this. [For the record she is as knowledgable about and in agreement with Abraham-Hicks as Princess Little Tree and I are, as well as the Avatar materials... FYI] She stopped me mid-sentence and pointed out that what I had just said was a a belief that I should "take out" (that's new world speak for "discreate" or "let go of" or "release" etc.) I argued that it was not a belief but a reality. Funny right? Because we have already been down this path so many times before and realized how erroneous that idea is (that there are "realities" that are not "beliefs"...) But when we are on the inside of a belief it certainly feels "real", and hence we just can't get outside of it enough to see/feel that it is indeed just a belief and not really a hard set in stone reality.
          I continued to argue with her, but I wanted out of this reality so badly that I stayed with her. Just kept going with it. I then finally blurted out that after all the work I have done on this reality and all of my efforts to shift it more towards a reality that I prefer and failed (at least in my view) I had come to the conclusion several times that "perhaps it's just not meant to be." "That's it honey, right there" she said. [I've not much time now, so I'm going to have to speed things up here.] Now of course I did NOT agree with her. "Perhaps it's just not meant to be" is an idea, but it isn't a reality or a belief that I can discreate. This is what I kept saying to her. But she persisted in encouraging me to just lay down and allow her to guide me through "deleting" or "discreating" it. What the hell? I thought. It can't hurt. I'll do it. Let's do it.
          And we did. When you work with my mom you go into a trance-like state very quickly. It feels like you are hypnotized, but you are also still awake and able to communicate. She guided me through fully feeling and integrating several of these beliefs/ideas and when I was ready I discreated them. Got outside of them. Laughed. Laughing now. I find personally that I often laugh when I am outside of a belief that I used to think was a reality that could not be discreated. It is a feeling of profound relief. Wow! I was so "out there"... just totally out in another world. Zonked. Hypnotized. She gently suggested I use this newly created empty space to create a primary (a reality/idea/belief that one usually prefers and deliberately creates, or not. Primaries are often created non-deliberatly by us as well. But that's another story... One can easily Google the words "primaries and secondaries" in order to learn more accuratly what they are better than I can explain here...) I felt into it for a few minutes and came up with a really good one. Simple. And yet a reality that if I created would be AMAZING to experience.
          So she hung up the phone and I just continued to lay there, creating the primary. One by one letting the secondaries go, releasing them, discreating them. Then stating the primary again. And again, each time releasing any idea or thought that came to me that was not entirely aligned with the primary. In fact I let go of EVERY idea and thought I had except the primary itself. When you do this all you are left with IS the primary itself, in other words: that reality. [Again, not enough time right now to go into further, wish I could]. Regarding time, it felt like almost no time had passed. Maybe five to ten minutes...? I was floating. Just so high, so easy, so relaxed and at peace. I knew that I had an appointment to film a PSA (public service announcement) that day and that I needed to get up and prepare for it because I was soon to meet the film director. So I looked over at the clock. I had been laying for over an hour. Strange... Wow... Yep, that's how it always is isn't it? So I got up.
          WOW! Again, that expresses how I feel more than anything else I can think of saying. First off, I felt so light and peaceful. Still do. I mean I just cannot stop smiling right now. And giggling. This feeling. This new-found old realization that it is WE who are creating our moment to moment realities... just as Harry Palmer or Abraham-Hicks have been saying for decades. [Yes there are others who are saying it now. They are all saying it now. But try to remember that that is something that most of them came to only much later in their careers and for most of them out of pure obligation or necessity, for the world/mass consciousness has woken up so much in the last ten years that none of them could but help eventually jumping on the band wagon and admitting that "yes" even they "agree that we indeed are creating our own realities." Some of them refer to it as "the law of attraction". This is a term first coined by Abraham-Hicks about 30 years ago. Some filmakers down in Austrailia or New Zealond made a fortune creating a documentary film about it called "The Secret" and in the end didn't even acknowldge that the teaching was that of Abraham-Hicks. The reason for this can be found by going to YouTube or Google. It turns out that Abraham did a bunch of interviews with the directors of the movie but then once they saw the final product they decided that it did not give the full picture and they didn't feeling 100% aligned with it, so they declined to allow themselves to be in the movie. It is unfortunate that the filmakers did not at least acknowledge that what they were actually talking about in the movie was the teachings of Abraham...]
          So here I was again, totally aware that it was me all along who was creating this reality that I did not prefer. And I'll be damned if I wasn't trying everything I could to create my way out of it. But truth be told you've got to get to that core belief that is running in the background "on automatic" -- the belief that WE are putting there, just not deliberately -- and discreate it. If we don't then what we are trying to do is create OVER a reality rather than creating a NEW reality.
          What I noticed all day and then into the evening and then into late night and then into today is how accustomed to this not-preferred reality I had become. I was so totally attached to it that it felt "real" to me, and many of my thoughts and ideas and feelings and emotions stemmed from it. So I kept noticing ideas and thoughts and feelings come up, you know, in my head or mind, or in my heart or chest, and then BAM i would immediately recognize that that idea/thought/ feeling did not align with the new primary/reality/belief that I had created. And that's the thing. That happens. But you've got to be vigilant. You don't just let those go. You grab them in the moment and discreate them. Using whatever tools you've got in your toolbox. (your consciousness toolbox). For me I use Avatar tools to discreate beliefs/ideas/thoughts/feelings that I do not prefer the majority of the time. Primarily because they are the ones that I am the most used to and also for me personally they seem to work the best.
        A note about that. See that's the thing: You have to use tools that actually enable you to REALLY discreate. It can't be some new age woo woo thing like meditation where you say "I went into a meditative state and allowed the thoughts to disappear" unless they really do disappear as in discreate forever, as in they are gone forever, even when you wake up out of your meditation. You've got to use tools powerful enough to discreate realities. For me, the Avatar tools are the best for that. Using the Release Technique or the Sedona Method also works, releasing... letting go of. But it has to be COMPLETELY. It can't "still be there" five minutes later. You've got to literally feel like you are OUTSIDE of the belief/thought/idea/feeling that you want to discreate. If you find yourself thinking about it, or wondering if it is really gone, then you didn't get outside of it and really discreate it. I have become so adept at using the tools to discreate now that sometimes all I need do is just acknowledge most ideas/beliefs/realities and they discreate. Power. Real power.
         But the thing that has really shifted me and blown me away the most over the last 18 hours is how often my mind still falls back on some idea or thought that I am very used to thinking that comes from that other belief that i discreated. I was so used to that reality. But I see how important it is to not only notice every single one of those, but to also acknowledge them and then discreate them. And then I re-state, re-affirm my preferred reality (primary). Again. Right there. In the moment. No matter what else I am doing. It is extremely powerful stuff. You can feel your reality changing. Shifting. Moving. You can feel a difference inside of yourself. How you all of a sudden do not feel or think the same way anymore. You are changed. You are different. You are now operating from this new reality. You are now vibrating this new reality. And see that's the thing: your life has no choice but to head in that direction. It is a non-doing anything kind of doing something. You don't go make a list of ten things you can do to create the reality. (you may if you want to and it feels aligned...) But desiring to do so inherently implies that you do not yet feel that you are living that reality. There is a part of you that does not fully believe it yet. You are still waiting for it happen, waiting to see if it is going to create. THAT is also a secondary ( a belief /reality that you is not aligned with the primary that you prefer to be experiencing). See?
          Like this: do you need to make a list of ten things you can do to create that you are human? Or that you are a man or woman? No. Indeed not. Why? Because you take it for granted that you are. It is a belief firmly established in your consciousness, in your very nature, in your DNA. When you truly create a new reality based on a new belief you do so with such conviction and certainty that you feel as confident about it being true as your being human or your being a man or a woman. THAT is how real that new belief or reality now is to you. And the big WOW of all of this is that IT IS POSSIBLE TO DO THIS. I know because I just did it. I am now in EXPECTATION of seeing/experiencing the symptoms, results, of this new reality. Why? Because I feel that it is true. I know that it is true. A new reality created in the place of an old non-preferred one. Incredible. (and no, you don't always have to discreate something in order to create a new something. If you create that you want to have pasta for dinner tonight you do not need to discreate anything in order to make that happen. You just do it.)
          The thing that I am most amazed at is how often I am still realizing or recognizing random thoughts or ideas or feelings that come up in my mind that I am so used to thinking that are totally unaligned with my new reality. So i just notice them, acknowledge them, and lovingly discreate them, let them go. Release them. And yes, you have to be very OPEN to do this... For it is not difficult to find one's self getting emotional over some of them when they pop in your consciousness... But you don't go into resistance or figuring it out or defensiveness or justifying that idea/feeling/thought. You grab it and you feel it and you permit yourself the right to discreate it. Let it go completely. It's your right. It's our right. It's an inherent God given ability of being human. To create and discreate beliefs/ideas/thoughts/feelings at our discretion.
          I have GOT to run. I've got a meeting today with TONY freaking VISCONTI, yes THAT Tony Visconti, the legendary producer who I used to idolize as a kid, the one who produced all those incredible T.Rex and David Bowie albums. Incredible. What a life. If you would have told me ten years ago that I would one day get to hang out with or work with Tony Visconti I would have quite probably replied "yeah duh!" And at the same time I would have found it very hard to believe; for when we are young, the people who we relegate to hero status... they aren't even real to us. We don't consider them as real people, with homes and wives and cars and lives. They're bigger than that to us. And yet, in the end, that's all any of are really... humans. People. Just like us. Believing in myself is one thing I have never had a problem with. And yet... Is that all smoke and mirrors...? Certainly most of it is. There is a big difference between what we want to believe versus what we really do believe and if you want an easy way to discern the difference between the two, just look at how your life is going, what's happening right now... How things ARE is a much better indicator of what you really believe compared to how you "want things to be". But for this... For today... it is a very exciting moment in my humble little life. And for all of it, everything I spoke of today.... I am so happy, so blessed, so lucky, so grateful. Quiet amazement. And THAT is how our lives should be in every moment of the day.

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