Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dream Apocalyptic

My dreams are becoming increasingly more apocalyptic lately. Granted I've been fighting a plague like sinus infection for over three weeks and thus have more so called medication in my bloodstream than one would need to wipe out a small city, certainly enough to induce nightmarish hallucinations in the pitch black of late night or early morning. Frankly I'd prefer to believe that the cause. But the truth of the matter is that these visions of mass public chaos and death surrounded by dark skies and distant fires burning through city landscapes are not new; they're not symptomatic of my last three weeks of sleep. If anything this morning in particular (it's 6:26am presently) is one of the first nights I can remember seeping through the night in almost a month due to how severe this illness has been, hence I've not actually seen much in the way of apocalyptic dreams lately.

No, unfortunately these visions are not new or recent enough to be conveniently dismissed as drug induced reveries of a tortured mind and sweaty body fraught with illness in the middle of the night. What prompted me to awake this morning, and these are just quick notes to remember the event so I can go go back to sleep for at least a few more hours, was a scene much like an industrial area, large and sprawling with blackened skies and dark grey smoke billowing from nondescript tower like structures, giant industrial smoke stacks or chimneys perhaps for as far as the eye could see.

There was a group of us, seated and standing, waiting for something, though it doesn't occur to me now what we were waiting for exactly. Most of us strangers. There was an elevator that I and several others were trying to go up and down in quickly as if in an emergency; often times it didn't work and we were frantic with worry, many were shouting and panicked. One such time that we were able to go back up and return to the floor level successfully we encountered a mass of bodies of our friends on the ground, many of them dead and maimed, others nearly dead and moaning in pain, all of them blackened and bloody. We were upset by the discovery though not surprised in the context of the dream.

One interesting image to remember: a local music promoter who was showing his wares -- hand drawn show posters and new demo albums of artists he represented (it was a dream after all and I am in the music business; I can't remember the last time I had a dream that didn't contain subconscious referenced to or remnants of the music industry). He was seated and I was standing. I remembered meeting him in a dream from a few nights ago; it was as if he were part of a scene I was new to and was just becoming a part of. He showed me the album cover to a new group he particularly liked -- though in retrospect it was more of a music video than a still image. What struck me was that there were two giant bird like statues perched on top of the tallest buildings in the skyline of a decayed cityscape, again plenty of dark sky and smoke billowing from stacks scattered throughout the horizon, the birds were like ancient Egyptian eagles or phoenixes, with long beaks and giant wings though tucked under so they were tall and slim. More like standing guard as if the city had been seized already, taken captive in a war and all that remained in this embattled city were these bird statues standing guard as a sign or warning that whatever it was that we were fighting had already laid claim to this place, the statues a sign of it. The musicians themselves were the angry voice of the peoples' rebellion of yet another fallen city under siege by darker powers than anything we've ever seen in our lifetimes. It was an ominous image. The only one he told me thst symbolised that what i was seeing belonged to this specific musical group. Both giant ststues faced East. A darkened city except for intermittent fires burning everywhere and lots of smoke.

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