Today mainstream news outlets across the western world had a field day announcing that the White House and State Department of the United States that is has issued high terror alert warnings to all Americans doing any traveling around the world, closing some 23 embassies temporarily at least in the process. You would think you'd feel fear. A heightened sense of camaraderie and unity as a people afraid of being terrorized.
Yet what came to mind first was anger. As the headline flashed across the screen "all American travelers are warned they have an increased risk of being attacked or caught up in a terror plot of some kind", my first guy reaction was "this is way overboard and way past time for this shit to be over now."
As Americans it is hard enough for most of us to make enough money to keep a roof over our family's head and food in the table due to the Great Recession of '08 that the government and the big banks knowingly created, whether deliberate or not -- that can be debated, through careless w recklessness and a complete lack of respect or concern for the law, or what's ethical or moral or for the good of the country and its citizens. Now we have to be on guard for the next few days to few weeks in fear for our lives and the lives of everyone we love simply because we've the unfortunate status of being American.
Why? Because of decades of criminal abuse of power by the United States government all over the world. No country except MAYBE North Korea is more hated or feared than the United States now that current president Barack Obama has taken out his toy drone planes collection and begun using them to indiscriminately kill people in all four corners of the world. Torture bribery extortion secret spy opps midnight raids cold blooded murder coup d'états of whole countries installing puppet dictators public assassinations without trial mass exodus by millions of refugees due to numerous upheaval in someone else's backyard by American troops killing of innocent civilians and then repeatedly denying it until the proof comes out publicly blackmail...
The list of abuses and misdeeds is endless. It's no secret to Americans that's for sure -- our TVs and radios and newspapers are filled with the stories on a near daily basis; and thus it should be no surprise that the rest of the world knows of these thing as well. Probably a lot more for as we are often told the media in the US rarely reports even half of these stories for fear of reprimand from the US government, or worse, having their office raided and everything in it seized by the DOJ or IRS or NSA.
It is clear that America has enemies. Seemingly in every corner of the globe at this point. It also has some friends, who they buy with free loans (that come with a steep price so they're not that free), or bully and scare with sanctions and threats of military actions until they acquiesce and "become our friend".
The problem is that just because that's how Americans think and act and work, can be coerced into doing things against their moral code or ethics or religious laws or better judgment through bribery bullying or fear, does not mean that ALL people think act and work that way. But the US government over the last 60 years just cannot seem to get this through their heads. This assumption that anyone will play ball if we just offer them enough money or terrorize them enough is classic "American exceptionalism" mentality. But its a myth, one that reeks of arrogance hubris and ignorance. Time and time again as citizens we've seen proof that it only exists in the hearts and minds of a few Americans. Usually just the ones who work in American government.
They can't get everyone in all 212 nation states around the world to play along and do whatever they demand they do. Instead of sitting down at the negotiating table to talk it out, they head to covert opps, economic terrorism or flat out blatant military invasions. That's been the MO of the United States as a nation for sixty years now. Some say longer. And that's bound to make you some enemies.
But who pays for these atrocities that cause this anger and these enemies? Last on the list are the government leaders. Congress the White House the senate, all protected. Tens of thousands of ignorant and innocent young American and boys and girls who r marched of to battle pay with their lives. And so too do regular folks like you and me. Boston Bombing? Regular folk for hurt there. Some lost their lives. Those weren't crazies. They were angry victims of what they rightly view as continual and never ending American bullying of their people their religion their neighbors and their way of life. The Oklahoma City Bombing, same thing. That was in retaliation for the first invasion of Iraq and the mass murder in Waco, TX.
US government officials always have excuses for "why do they hate us". And like many I am always amazed stunned saddened and surprised that no one in mainstream media has the intelligence or the nerve to call their bluff when some douchebag double talking politician sits up there and says "they hate us because we are free. They don't like our freedom and liberty." That's like saying the Native Americans hate us because they didn't like how we roasted corn. It's obviously total bullshit. But it's astounding that they can still talk plenty of dim witted but well meaning regular Joe Americans into believing it.
Ask the citizens of Afghanistan or Iraq or Yemen or Egypt or Palestine or Pakistan or Iran why they hate us. They'll TELL US WHY. WE DON'T HAVE TO WONDER. What we do have to do is ask ourselves how LONG are we going to accept living in fear for our own lives and the lives and safety of our loved ones because of the actions of the government that we supposedly elect? Who supposedly works for us...
All weekend we will hear reports of suspects terror plots and anyone with half a heart will tear up if we hear of even on terrorist plot that succeeds and takes the life of one of our fellow American sisters or brothers. But we know now WHY these terrorist plots are taking place. We KNOW WHO is responsible. So the question is WHAT are we going to do about it? I for one am sick of seeing good people die or get hurt because a few greedy evil or just plain dim as primitives in DC can't get it together and learn how to play nice and fair as we all learned on the playground as children. Karma is karma and no one over the age of 18 can claim they don't understand that what you give you get in life.
ALL FINGERS by all media and all citizens should be pointing at the White House and US military regarding these newest terror fears this weekend. It's time we let them know that we are no longer willing to stand for being afraid for our lives because of their callous actions and criminal behaviors. The real threat to us all now here in America is not in the middle east nor north korea or china or russia, but rather from within. It's time we rid ourselves of this threat. Before its too late.
In other related news today someone posted to social media a copy of the United Nations univseral declaration of human rights. The United States has broken it more times than any other country on earth over the last twenty years. Here is that post:
"the White House can't respect their own constitution let alone the universal declaration of rights. Article 5 seems it isn't valid in Gitmo or anywhere else United States military soldiers are stationed around the world."
- Posted by The Ambassador using BlogPress on an iPhone
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