Last night was Halloween. Lots of functions in the evening. But you totally forget about the whole trick or treat aspect. I think that's why you need to get married. Just to have a woman around to remind you of stuff like that. trick or treaters came to the door and I'm like ‘here, I've got some guitar picks in my pocket. And some protein shakes in the fridge. Hang on I'll be right back....”
Writing songs constantly. Got the peavey classic 50 amp. This thing is sick. Sounds awesome. ‘We are columbine’ and another one maybe for Kurt Cobain, and this other one ‘Messed it up again.’ really cool. I hate where we are as a band right now, just how slow the process is. it drags the creative process down. I write way more songs than we have the money or the resources to record. its such a drag trying to catch things up to how fast I write. By the time our audience hears an album the songs are already two or more years old. And I'm way out of that phase and into a new one. I can’t wait to get it to that point where its instant. Right from the writing of the tune to the recording of the CD to the stores’ shelves.
Yesterday at the gym I swear I heard the worst song I had heard in years, and no it wasn't that cheesy pandering Britney/Madonna song, as if that isn't formulaic enough, no but it was something about being invisible and the vocals were so bad and transparent. And it sounded like it was written in a songwriting factory. I was lifting and the feeling that I had was actually felt bad for whoever was singing. Like o.k. you know hey man don't worry you'll get better, its cool. Cause the voice was so annoying but you still want to be nice and encouraging ...I had no idea who it was. Funny... And then this morning I wake to read the top forty songs in America and guess what's at number one???!!!! this fucking song!!! No way. It’s some guy from some TV show or something. I heard about this show American idol, but I never saw it. and now I know why!!! this guy is on the radio now? Oh my God. Seriously, o.k. so listen, remember in the early nineties when hair bands ruled the roost and c&c music factory and all that and music was just dismal???
Then grunge came along and reminded us of why we liked music and how amazing it was and what it could do to our hearts and to our souls??? o.k. we need that to happen again. right now. today. this is insane. It doesn’t have to be grunge, but lets revolutionize things here again people. this is just too much. Does the top forty always have to be filled with crap? maybe, maybe not. But the good news is that the number two song is by Outkast and these guys are breaking the molds in every way. and there's the Dave Matthews song too. so maybe its just always going to be more of a mix now. the good with the bad.
Current Spin: Dave Matthews, grave digger. This song is amazing! song of the week, song of the year. I'm not even a dmb fan. Never liked him. but this is just a great song. Now I'll be listening.
Last Screening: unforgiven, Clint eastwood. Intense. In that kind of laid back Clint eastwood way.
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