Friday, November 07, 2003

This in from the Care Organization:
1. Free Trade Area of the Americas-- NOT FAIR TRADE
In just a few weeks, US Trade Reps will consider a 
trade agreement that threatens the livelihoods of 
millions of people in every nation from Canada to Argentina! 
Global trade can be a powerful tool to reduce poverty, but 
only if the rules that govern trade are fair. 
The poorly crafted Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) -- 
created behind closed doors by large multinational companies 
without public input -- threatens to destroy the livelihoods of poor 
farmers, undermine environmental protections, strip local 
governments and communities of their power, and increase 
the price of life-saving medicines. 
Similar trade agreements in the past have often had a negative 
* Mexico's small farmers were crushed by a wave of American 
  subsidized corn. 
* Mexican government was forced to allow US companies to 
   process toxic waste in Mexican communities. 
* US being sued by a Canadian company because of California's 
   requirement for less polluting gasoline. 
Speak out now against the proposed FTAA.  

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