Saturday, November 08, 2003

Tonight or tomorrow morning, depending where you are while you are reading this, is meant to be one of the most powerful days, astrologically speaking that has transpired in thousands of years here on earth, called the Harmonic Concordance. Check it out by going here: Here is what it looks like on a chart:

There are hundreds of gatherings taking place all over the planet. Seriously. G2 spent all day on a beach in Chile with 6000 other people all gathered for this spiritual event. Check gathering places here to find a place near you:  

Check this out from Rob Breszny ...
Beauty and Truth Lab

"We are now as a race about to move into the eye of the storm that will decide the future of the race and the planet. It is crucial for all of us to know as the crisis deepens that what will look and feel like destruction is the stripping away of delusions.

"The secret of this storm is that it is a birthing and it is going to demand everything of you and 1. We must now purify our hearts and galvanize our wills to ensure that the new divine humanity can be born. We are going through a dark night of the species as a whole. The crisis is offering humanity these intensities to expand and shatter the heart of humanity and for the first time in history we will start to create a world of love and justice.

"What are you doing to stop this madness? How are you living? What are you risking at this time of unprecedented crisis? Nature is bleeding to death. The population is exploding. Weapons of mass destruction are proliferating and religions are retreating into fundamentalism. The mass media is feeding us trivialities when we need to be taught about real reality. The rich world is locking itself into materialism that leaves the rest of the world starving.

"We need to become mystic activists. Mystics must get active and equally the activists must become mystic. Activists must learn to act from divine peace that will feed them divine wisdom. You must always act from as loving and forgiving a heart as possible and remember you have to learn how to ask and you will be given what you need. Then this world can become the living kingdom of this divine humanity."

-Andrew Harvey

I am not sure if maybe this is just my first life here on earth, or if I am slow or what it is. but man a lot of times I just look around and think Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore. For the life of me I cannot understand the minds of these people. I do not understand how anyone can sing “land of the free” knowing what happened to the real American people and to the African people who were brought over here as slaves. I know that now we give financial assistance to the Native American peoples. But I know that it is not enough because they all live in poverty, many without even electricity. So its obviously not enough. And I wonder what else are we doing to right these terrible wrongs. i also think that we should give back more to the black people, to all black people. they basically built this country. While the white man stood around and chewed tobacco, the black men and women, and children, were in the field picking it. When white people stand around and act all proud of America it really makes you cringe if you're a thinking person because you know that the black people did most of the labor for a good four hundred years. They created the wealth. They did the hard labor, against their will, and for no money. so it only makes sense that not only do we erect statues and memorials to the black people around our country---this is a must, but also that we pay them back. 
Something like a free college ride for any black person who gets the grades to go to college. We enslaved them for four hundred years, so therefore we should give this to them for four hundred years to pay them back. Some white people will argue this and say we shouldn’t do it because it wasn't us but our ancestors who did it, but they should just keep that to their bigoted, selfish selves. And shut the fuck up. They obviously just have never put themselves in that position even for a moment to imagine what it must have been like. But most people in America seem to understand what happened, and if given a choice will always choose the just cause and the noble goal. I will just keep studying, and maybe, somehow find a way to understand the Native American cause, for today it is still something that really haunts me. And until I can come to grips with it I will never really feel like a proud American, or even a “real” American. I want to love this country as much as I love the ideals of this country. 

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