Wednesday, December 25, 2002

"Are you there God?"
"Yes. I am here."
"Who are you?"
"I am you. And much more. I am all that is. I am I."
"How do I know it's you and not me?"

If we were born on a desert island with no one else but our self around. Worked and lived and played, all alone, all our life on this desert island, with no one else to be seen, would our mind conceive of the notion of God if no one ever told us of such a thing? How would we create it? If there were no books around, no bible, no religions, no voluminous tomes about heaven and hell and God this and God that, would we one day look up at the sky and just think the thought, “God is up there.” What would he/she/it be like? Would God talk to us? Reveal himself to us? Knowing that we have no way of knowing that he exists on our own? Would we still pray? Would we even consider it? Would we recreate the God concept all on our own? If so, what would we call him/it?  

"Are you there God?"
"What do I call you?"
"What do you want to call me?"
"I don't care. I just want to know that you exist."
"Well who are you talking to then?"
"What if it's just me?"
"What if it is?"

Current Spin: Phoenix, United. I love this CD so much. Hip fresh old school summer pop.
Last Good Movies: 13 Conversations About Nothing. Life or Something Like It.

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