Thursday, February 06, 2003

In the studio all day yesterday, over twelve hours, adding two new tracks that may or may not go on the new album. but we worked our butts off. 

I am tired of seeing a different articles or dissertations pop up every other day about music downloading. People are wasting their time and everyone else’s talking about it, philosophizing about it. what we need is a programmer to come out of the closet and he will make millions of dollars overnight. The solution, what will happen, is very obvious. Hear it now, believe it when you see it. All music will be digitally encoded with download stamps, to prevent it from being downloaded except through proprietary software that comes on everyone’s computer that you pay a monthly fee for, just like you now pay for your phone bill or your electric or your cable. All computers will begin to be manufactured with anti-music-downloading software that you can turn off by paying your monthly bill. Don't download music? Don't pay. Don't want people to have to pay to download your music—for example with a free promo track? Then don't digitally encode your new song; or better yet—encode it open or closed, depending on if you want people to be able to stream it or download it and how many times. If you choose to, you can always go buy a “descrambler” to avoid paying like many assholes currently do in order to steal cable TV. Cliona told me the other day, “I guess people just don't feel the criminality of it as much because they don't really know the victims and no one really gets in trouble for it.” once this system is setup it will be more illegit to steal music, etc. like anything else, internet access, electric, etc. most people don't go around stealing that stuff. it's a service and most people are happy to pay for it. again, what we don't need is more people talking about it, ruminating on it. what we need is for the programming to be done and licenses secured with all the major computer manufacturers. 

Current Spin: rock bottom by Robert Wyatt. A classic, although it hasn’t gotten under my skin yet. 

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