Saturday, February 21, 2004

The ambassador is back! I can feel it all around me. there is magic in the air.

The Mel Gibson passion of Christ fiasco has me fuming. I cannot watch anything about it. it is difficult for men of truth to live on the earth in these days. it always has been. but perhaps today I would guess that it is probably easier than at any other time in our history. So lucky for us to be alive now. as zeke said a few weeks ago, ‘Christianity... it was the biggest scam perpetrated by man in the history of the world....”

When that interviewer lady asked me today why I was so vehement about the movie, I explained to her that its not like I'm anti-religion or anything. I'm certainly not against Mel Gibson. Braveheart? Hello? One of the best movies ever. I mean, I'm not some one-world-UN-no-religion type of new world order person. I love freedom of religion. I've been religious on and off throughout my life. and I'm glad that we have that opportunity. But at least with braveheart here's a guy William Wallace who set out to do something, and sacrificed his life for it and he did it. I mean he fought his whole life for the freedom of Scotland, and because of that soon after Scotland was free.

Whereas with the whole Jesus thing, here was the man who was supposed to be the messiah for his people. Israel. And he just couldn’t make it happen. he rocked the boat for a few years, ruffled a lot of feathers, so much so that after a few years, even the Jewish people who were really hoping that he was the chosen one started realizing he wasn't and so for them they had to make a choice. Either one, he starts saving them like he said he was going to and like the prophecies predicted that their messiah would. Well he couldn’t do that. or two he leave town for a while because he was literally endangering the lives of all of them with all the trouble he was causing, or three, they get rid of him. so according to the legends, they got rid of him. so even when we take the myths at face value, just follow the story as most people like to believe it to be, it really doesn’t work out too well. Because he didn't accomplish what he was prophesied to accomplish as the messiah or even as a decent revolutionary.

[now contrast that with Mohamed for a moment, the prophet of the Muslim religion. He on the other hand not only accomplished what he set out to—to unite and free his people, he accomplished much more. by the time they were done most of the middle east, Asia and half of Europe was under their control. He not only freed his people, this God of Allah that they obsessed on, he gave them half the fucking civilized world. The king of the Jews on the other hand gave the Jews nothing. Just more pain and anxiety. They weren't freed. I wish people were brave enough and honest enough to face facts. He just never pulled it off. That's why the Jewish people never embraced him as the messiah and that's why they are still waiting for the messiah to come to earth...] 

But that's if you want to take the stories at face that’s not even the worst part of the whole mess. The worst part is that a lot of the stories that are associated with modern day Christianity are just that, stories. And for the last twenty years or so more and more historians and even Christian theologians and priests are coming out and talking about it. Writing books about it. the catholic priest Matthew fox was a great revolutionary author who did his best to try to dispel some of the roman empire’s crazy Jesus myths so we could really get to the heart of the real story. Another man, the Bishop John Spong out of New Jersey has written some excellent books about it. now I am reading his “why Christianity must change or die.” An amazing book. Very brave. And there have been hundreds of books coming out now from historians explaining the facts as they more realistically probably transpired rather than the fairy tales that we are used to hearing in Sunday school and like Mel Gibson is perpetrating in his newest bloodbath.

Its not that I am against another Jesus movie. Its just that I don't like this fake controversy over something that isn't controversial. Mel Gibson is trying to create controversy to sell movie tickets. The real controversy is why has he made another story of Jesus filled with the same lies and half truths that we have had to endure since the roman empire first stole Jesus from the Jews and slowly started to twist the facts for their own devices. I wish someone would have enough balls to come out with a more realistic Jesus movie. Telling like it is as we now know it and understand it. Now that would be fucking controversial. 

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