Friday, May 14, 2004

Heavy day. Torn. Depressed, but also relieved. Someone made me an offer on the house in Miami that would be ridiculous to refuse. With the economy the way it is now, everyone says take the money and run in real estate now due to a coming real estate correction. Someone wants to spend a half a million dollars on an over valued house in an over valued neighborhood in an over valued real estate market that's about to burst then let them, but don't be the one standing there holding that mortgage yourself. Not now. not in these times. so me, yes me, going to throw everything I own in storage, move into a temp apt on the ocean and go on tour. Come back and finish recording with the band and look for something in NYC. Strategy is that by then the economy will have gotten worse and prices will have started to fall in housing as interest rates continue to rise and everything else continues to decline. Economists are predicting that by November we will be knee deep in it, by January and February there will be foreclosures and sales where people will be able to snatch up real estate for pennies on the dollar compared to today's prices. So I'm going to sit on cash for a while. live on the road. And wait. All I need is a guitar and the truth. That was said once.

We are madly working on the artwork for the nothing is cohesive album. in the studio learning songs for two new albums: the new one, and another called Girls, which will be all the girls names, new songs and old ones. Me and G2 on the phone today, he still in Chile, discussing the artwork for all these albums. He suggests flower photos for NIC, but I say no man remember we want to use those for the freedom beauty truth love album. he says ‘are you still doing that one?’ ‘yes of course man. Just have to get these other ones out of the way and then we’ll do that one. maybe next year.’ ‘ Man you make a lot of albums. You never stop.’ ‘I know man. Its crazy. I'm like some mad underground film maker who just keeps pushing out these films that no body likes except his hundred or so fans...’ ‘Dude I think its more like 5 fans...’ ‘You may be right man.’ We’re laughing hysterically. The little movies.

It was that one little move in space/time. this one decision. G2 telling me ‘go back to using your own name bro. Acknowledge who you are and what you are doing...’ That was it. it empowered me like I never would have imagined.

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