Friday, May 07, 2004

Michael Moore finally lets the cat out of the bag about the Bush and Osama bin laden connection that many except the mainstreamers have known about since the beginning of this whole charade three years ago. this morning the news reports that bin laden has supposedly “released a tape” calling for the murder of several US officials (but no one in Bush’s administration). The news which one would expect to be devastating and huge to Americans, was given no more than ten seconds and was treated very casually. As if it wasn't that big of a deal. Why? don't know yet. no one does. What we do know is that the bin laden and the bush families have been friends for thirty years and that both of them have made millions in several joint business ventures together through the years, including the companies the Carlisle Group and Bechtel (curiously weapons manufactures?) that they are both shareholders in, the two companies ironically that along with Halliburton, are profiting the most from the invasion of Iraq. Now if that isn't tricky, I don't know what is...

We also know that the day after 9/11, the American government secretly helped all the relatives of the bin ladens leave America where they had been living so they could “be safe.” Again, tricky as all hell. Why would we be doing that if Osama had just attacked us? again, I don't know. but logic would indicate that we would have kept them all here in order to get to Osama if we really wanted to catch him... which is what for a very brief time we were told was happening... but the attention quickly turned away from capturing Osama bin laden and turned to Hussein instead. Why? We don't know. And now it doesn’t even seem like they are looking for bin laden... who knows. but it did seem strange that this alleged tape that pops up from bin laden is targeting some general and a UN member???? And not gw bush or his administration??? Again, I just don't know. there is something very very weird going on here. and it has nothing to do with what we are being told. It just doesn’t match up. nothing matches up in their stories... but the scary part of this is that the rest of the world nor the media have really been able to pinpoint what really is going on.

Like the Matrix. Every now and then we hear these little tidbits of the truth that no one speaks of. The behind the scenes. We see pictures. We see a president who seems not to believe himself when he speaks. Who stutters a lot and has twitchy eyes and who crinkles his mouth a lot when he speaks, like little kids when they are telling a lie. And of course they have told a lot of lies in the last three years. and there are a lot of people coming out all the time in books and on TV and in the newspapers who seem upset by it. but in general the media itself don't talk about it much. About the inner secrets. And the people of the country don't talk about it much. No one seems to notice the degree to which we have been and are being lied to or manipulated. Why? I don't know. Honestly. I just cannot put my finger on it. most of the time I am stunned by all of it.

Could it be as simple as we used to think back in the day? when we were younger and more naive? That America is being secretly controlled by a few very rich people? that all countries in fact are all being secretly controlled by a very small select group of wealthy individuals...  thoughts pour in. Thought about myself over the last few years. the more money we have gotten over the years, the more we ourselves have noticed that we can get whatever we want when we want it and if we can’t we just force people to give it to us anyway. I'm saying this for no other reason than to understand.... I mean, really, its right in front of our eyes. if at our small level we can almost do anything we want to as long as we have enough money... imagine what it must be like when you just have tons of money and you're controlling whole countries and the politicians that run them...

And now it comes in...

we are knee deep in some crazy bullshit here in the states. With these new photos of our military men and women torturing and abusing Iraqi prisoners. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse. Allow me to voice one small sentiment from the bleeding hearted, far left. Enough with the partisan politics and lets get on with the fucking job. All of these fucking senators that are on TV all the time criticizing bush and the war on Iraq voted for it. now that they have found out that we were mislead in the details and the reasons for the war, they are still for us finishing the job that we started. But many of them take every chance they get to go on TV and preach against it for their own benefit. And now they are doing the same thing with this new scandal. Calling for a resignation from the sec of defense. Crazy. we are fighting a fucking war people. you know? some things are just meant to be classified. Things are going to happen and we all know it. I'm not going to say who it is but a friends uncle keeps his whole top drawer in his house full of mementos from the Vietnam war. Fingers, ears, etc. I won't go into any more than that. my father over the years told me much worse things about what he and the boys did to the Vietnamese people in Vietnam. Much worse. He never ever got over it.

That's war. Sick? Twisted? Insidious? Abhorrent? Unbelievable? Yes yes yes. Inhuman? Well obviously not. Since humans have been doing it for thousands of years to each other. the point? For the record: in the last two days we have been told that our American brothers and sisters have been electrocuting, sodomizing, torturing, and generally abusing the Iraqi prisoners. One Iraqi woman was raped so far that we know of by one of our soldiers. and yes they’re dragging them around naked on dog leashes and forcing them to masturbate each other while being filmed. Obviously this is all very fucking sick and disturbing. But you know, war is war. Its fucking war. And it’s a sick thing in general. Maybe if the American people wouldn’t have been so fucking quick to jump to the cause in the first place we wouldn’t be in this position. But to turn on this war now right in the middle of it? these congressmen seem like a bunch of pandering babies to me.

I'll be the first to admit that don Rumsfeld appears at least to be a pretty uncaring and generally evil guy, but there is no way they can blame this all on him. and the media need to cool their fucking jets and realize that our reputation is on the line here. they need to realize that yes there is freedom of the press here and this is a democracy and all that. but we need to let this thing die fast and make sure that no other photos surface in the media. Period. in America we are used to seeing this shit everyday on our news. OJ Simpson got off free. Ken Lay from Enron got off scott-free. Michael Jackson gets accused of molesting children and he's still getting awards for artist of the millennium. Lorain Bobbitt and Heidi Fleiss and Britney kissing Madonna and the porn industry making more money than all pro sports combined in our country; and our sick and weird obsession with violence in our Hollywood movies. This is America. we are immune to it.

you could hang a man naked on live TV and let people shoot at him with live ammo and America would tune in and watch him die if it was on cbs if no one made fuss about it. That's just the way it is here. but the Muslim world is very different. A very conservative and pious people. totally shut off from the western world. These people have this crazy notion in their minds that we are a money-grubbing and sick and disgusting and violent and sexually perverted people in America. what would give them that idea I have no idea. But they already hate us enough. There is no reason for us to make this thing bigger than it is. we need to squash this thing as fast as possible or we are going to see repercussions for years and maybe even decades to come.

In a way, one starts to realize that maybe things are catching up to us now here in this Babylon of the free world. Just watched this movie called red dragon that came out in America a few years ago. need I say more??? I don't watch these kind of movies myself. Never have. but I watched it tonight so I could have a better understanding of the American mind. I mean, this is considered normal American entertainment. It is fucking sick and twisted and its inane for America to be shocked by these photos of the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal or the columbine murders or anything else that we do to each other here. People in America fucking love their violent movies. We actually have “violence experts” in Hollywood that come in to watch movies and advise the directors and writers how to add more violence to their films before they are released. This is the truth. This is where we are now as a society. So a few young American soldiers are torturing prisoners five thousand miles form home. for half of them its their first time ever being out of their home state. These kids are just out of high school. They grew up on silence of the lambs and scarface and Arnold swartzeneger movies and girls gone wild and Howard stern. I mean what the fuck do we think we’re creating here in America’s youth? Honestly I just can’t even see how we can blame the soldiers either.

Can we be frank here? as much as some of us normal everyday intelligent people around the country understood that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, a lot of our fellow Americans didn't understand that. and still don't understand that. the bush administration took very careful and calculated actions to drum into the American mind that this war in Iraq is a war on terror and they linked it to 9/11. That’s how they got us into the war in the first place.

we have over 40 million people without health insurance in our country and we have homeless people sleeping in the streets of all of our cities, but we are spending over two hundred BILLION of our own dollars to kill Iraqis and take over their country. for one reason. Because they have us convinced that the Iraqis are bad people and that somehow, in some way, they are responsible for what happened to us on September 11th. and you know those kids are hearing it everyday over there. about the war on terror and 9/11 this and that. its drummed into them. it is what enables them to kill other human beings and somehow walk away proud instead of horrified, even though the Iraqi people never attacked us. so of course if they get a few of these evil Iraqi prisoners locked up for a while in a secretly guarded prison...  after some time there is going to be some tension relieved. If you look at the pictures of our soldiers and the looks on their faces as they are abusing and torturing the prisoners, you can see the pride and the joy in their eyes. shocking? Yes. justified? No. understandable? Yes. after all, this is a war on terror and these are terrorists. Right?

so yeah, we asked for it on both counts. Both with the way we raise our American children and what we all consider fun and entertaining, and also with this whole war on Iraq in the name of the war on terror scam. We asked for it and we got it. now the damage has been done. I'm not saying that what the soldiers were doing was right. but lets be honest. What the hell do you think they're doing over there? playing cards? They're killing people. In the gulf war we killed 200,000 Iraqi people. they didn't tell us that back then on the news, just like they aren't telling us now how many Iraqi people they have killed so far in this war. Notice that? not a fucking word about it. never will be. like its said, ‘until the lions have their own historians, there will never be stories about the hunted, only the hunters.’ So we the hunters have our stories.

We know that over 700 American soldiers have died so far. but those of us who see the bodies before the smoke clears know that tens of thousands of Iraqi people have died so far at our own hands. Maybe more. We bomb their cities. And we shoot to kill. We are taking over their country for god’s sake. This is war. War means killing and torturing people. that's what the word means. The American people wanted war. And that's what we got.

Donald Rumsfeld should step down now? for what? For doing what he was told? For fighting a war? One can only imagine what it must be like for him. the pressure and the stress of this battle. But he does not have to fight this battle for us. we asked him to. I don't think we should forget that so quickly. And I don't even like this administration. I think that's pretty fucking obvious. But we cannot turn our backs on these men now. we are knee deep in the bullshit now. and we are going to have to finish what we started. Yes we should tear that prison down as a sign of our contrition for what transpired. And yes we should court Marshall the poor soldiers and fire the generals in charge of their command. We need to show the world that those actions do not represent the higher ideals of the American heart and mind. But we should not rip our leaders apart on national TV. And we should not be showing anymore photographs and giving the Muslim world anymore ammunition than they already have to use against us.

I have been very surprised how quickly the media has turned lately. Against the war and against the administration. In case they didn't notice we are fighting a fucking war. And more and more of our alleged allies are backing out. and more and more of our brothers and sisters are getting killed over there. now is not the time to turn against the red white and blue. We are going to have to finish this takeover completely and assure peace and stability in that country or we are never going to have the end of it. am I a pacifist? Yep. Am I a proud war protestor? Yep. Am I now? No. not while we have over a hundred thousand troops over there. not when there's a chance in hell that some crazy and angry Iraqis can fly over here to bomb the shit out of us in retaliation. We have to finish the job. And we have to find a way in our hearts to do it proudly, if not a bit reluctantly.

I am in a very blessed and fortunate position in my life where I can say that I have just as many friends who aren't Americans and who don't live here than I have who are American and who do live here. And to all of my friends in other countries of the world I will say that you have no idea how hard it is for us right now as thinking feeling people. as Americans. I know what it must look like. And what it has looked like over the last year. But you know us and you love us and you know who we are in our hearts. This isn't us. We have had absolutely no say in this. we just sit and watch it on TV like you do. Please pray for us.

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