Thursday, August 12, 2004

Debate in the office today amongst a few of us about many things. started with this one guy saying that Christians have a moral responsibility to assure that Bush gets voted out of office because of how much he is misrepresenting the Christian faith, and in the bigger picture how anyone who is a good person or a moral or enlightened person has this same responsibility to do so because of how corrupt he is.

Another guy argued that good and bad are subjective terms and how some people might totally feel aligned with bush in some weird way.

I argued that as humans we have an innate knowing of the differences between good and bad. Others argued that we don't have this knowing. And that there truly is no difference between right and wrong or between good and evil. That as living beings, it is more dependent on our survival rather than some philosophical definition of good or bad. What may seem horrendous in a perfect world may seem perfectly justifiable in a moment of good old survival instincts kicking in. I say that if a woman ran into the room carrying her dead baby that we would all innately feel that that was a bad thing. another guy said not necessarily so; that if we hadn't eaten in three days and we saw the dead baby that we could look at it as a good thing, a gift from God even, and then we could eat the baby. Pretty crazy, but interesting stuff.

Great talk with Juliet tonight. I feel when I am speaking to her that it is very close to what it feels like communing with God; there is that kind of honesty and realness to it. no bs and no pretense. I am over my Juliet obsession phase, which is nice, but she is a soul mate. A kindred spirit. Which I like even more. I notice that as a single person that it is easy to fall victim to relating to others of the opposite sex through certain filters, rather than just seeing the person on the other side. We have to remember that the potential for that is there – to see them through this filter as the opposite sex – rather than just their inner person – and to breathe through it so we can get to the person on the other side and see them as they really are, rather than what we might want to believe is there or wish was there just because they are of the opposite sex and thus a potential mate, or bedmate at least. It’s not easy but we can do it. I am trying. I remember when I was very young I saw a very disturbing show on TV about a eunuch. This person was neither man nor woman. and she explained that she had no sexual urges whatsoever. None. She didn't relate to either sex as a potential mate. It disturbed me to end back then. I was too young to see it. it stayed with me till this day. the concept is helpful now though, looking back on the interview. One could see the benefit in that. in just seeing people as they are instead of wanting to shag every girl you see.

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