Wednesday, September 08, 2004

On the phone with our manager, he needs a name still, today... we hadn't spoken in a while. I tell him about how impressed I was with bush’s speech even though I loath his administration. I say something like ‘he’s going to win...’ and he sighs and says, ‘man I hope so...’ and there we were... I mean, he's our manager. I'm his star client and I'm traveling around the country protesting the bush administration and he is praying to God that bush wins. Its really something. it was a very American moment. That's what I love about our country.

I didn't get upset. I just asked him why he supported bush. He mentioned the fight on terror and how against abortion he was and how against same sex marriage he was. I asked him if he ever read my diaries. asked him if he had any clue who I was or what I represented to people. he said ‘sure I do. But I like you anyway.’ And then he laughed. We both laughed. What a moment. He said that God created Adam and eve, not Adam and Steve. Funny. I couldn’t help but laugh. How different could we be?

The thing that you start to realize is that gw bush isn't some dictator that's taken over our country as much as we radical left wingers like to pretend. The truth is that America is just so damn split down the middle at the moment that old gw is a true maverick who represents the values and beliefs of a lot of the people in this country. and then there's the rest of us. its really as simple as that. this is where America is right now. for better or worse.

Ps – had a chance to finally see Arnold’s speech on the Internet. Good speech. Filled with bi-partisan gung-ho platitudes that leaned neither way to try to catch as many fish as possible; he said a lot of things that sounded good on the surface but that could have

Last screening: matchstick men with the incomparable nick cage. The guy is good. the guy is damn good. caught leaving las Vegas a few weeks ago in an exhausted stupor in New York while trying to fall asleep. He was fucking a amazing in that film. no wonder he won.

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