Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Dear stallion, 

Well it has finally happened. You said it would.
I am sitting in my apt on a ledge hanging outside the window so I can smoke because it is too cold and rainy to go outside! so I have the window in my apartment open, the fan on full blast, my overcoat on, and I am hanging out a window ledge trying to blow smoke out the window. I never thought it would come to this. You were right. the New York life at this poor a level is a totally other world from the rest of the country. I'm inside but still my hands are freezing. And all of this just to have a smoke at the end of the evening. 

Current spin: George Michael, his new one Patience. I love George. not all of his work, but a lot of it. I'm just glad he has a new CD out. and I'm glad he is more open about his sexuality now. still digging into this one. the songwriting doesn’t seem as strong as normal. How does this come out of the same person who brought us “freedom,” the greatest song of all time, I don't know.

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