Tuesday, January 18, 2005

You know what I hate? People who send Christmas cards with pictures of their kids on the front to everyone they know. what is that? its as if once people have children they just fall off the fucking face of the earth. I have all these cards all over my house from good friends and associates and half the cards are just pictures of kids’ faces that I have never even met... what is that? I get the point... people are proud of their kids... they want to show them off... but what is this tendency to just disappear like that? like you just erase yourself from existence.... as if they are living through their kids now... what happened to the good old fashioned holiday card? I hope I never do that.

Snow is falling all around us. everywhere you look it is white. Very beautiful. and actually much warmer feeling than when it was just cold without snow. I don't know why the snow seems to warm everything up a bit. Very happy feeling in the snow. brings joy and energy to the mind and body.

Hey Sunny,
Great work last night. thought I would pass on my nyr2005 list to you just for information/inspiration purposes.... for the day. I really want to offer to help you go from 90% searching/exploring/tuning into/listening/intuiting/hit-getting in this life to 90% “full-on-fucking-creating.”

The beginning of life is about searching, yes... the middle of life is about full-on fucking creating... and building... and the end of one’s life is about reflecting and celebrating... yes.

So now my friend... Just go crazy and dream big for what you want to “create” this year in and on all levels. From my perspective, It has little to do with the higher-self or the universe or God or fate or any of that. it just has to do with taking action in the world and watching the shit happen. We manifest. We don't wait for manifestations... its all up to us. The higher self? You know what? we are our higher self. No need to look for it or do anything. Just BE IT.

Sorry to be so ghetto...  but the man has to lay it out for ya... haha. anyway, go for it full on. And we will discreate more tonight. but the days are for CREATING..... think big. Take action. Make it happen. Word.

Woman falls to death trying balcony handstand

Can you imagine what that will look like in her long list of lifetimes? God says “Oh I see here that you just died again by falling off of a balcony while trying to do a handstand...” God chuckles. “Oh that's a good one,” he says, and passes her onto her next life.

Its 14 degrees outside today here in New York city. everyday it gets colder. Your legs hurt almost immediately. Your hands hurt. Your ears hurt and your nostrils hurt. I walk around looking at everyone all bundled up with these miserable looks on their faces and all this smoke/steam/(what is that actually?) coming out of their mouths and I have to say that as someone who grew up in the South the first thought that comes to your mind is ‘what the hell are these people doing here? Don't they know about the South? I mean, don't they know that there are places they can live that aren't superfuckingfreezing like this?’ Its natural to think like this. this weather is crazy. But I'll tell you, I don't mind it too much. Its not that bad. Its refreshing.

In the elevator I saw this Asian girl among us. and she had this amazing smile on her face. Just filled with kindness and joy and innocence. It made me very happy just staring at her. I like that. I think that may be the key to life. today at the gym the girls behind the counter comment to each other about me ‘he's always so happy... he's always in such a good mood. why is that?’ I'm always in a good mood? Now that's fucking funny. Hey who knows. maybe compared to most people there, I am.

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