Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hey, You should have seen MY APARTMENT before this weekend. I hadn't done the dishes since that lady in October!!! I left them in the sink over Christmas!!! Holy cow that place smelled awesome!!! and then I decided I would start throwing the garbage on the kitchen floor so I wouldn’t have to worry about changing the garbage bags so the kitchen had like two feet of garbage covering the entire floor. I would just go in there and wade through this big pile of garbage to get to the fridge. My landlord came over once to loan me a space heater and he couldn’t walk in the kitchen because of all the garbage and he didn't know what to say to me. he just stared at me standing there at the entrance of the kitchen with all this garbage piled up to his knees... it was fucking hilarious!!!

All clean now though... living like that for a while was fun. I must admit. felt like college again. but living clean is a good thing too.

Thought for the day:
There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today in America than
on Alzheimer's research.

This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with
perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to
do with them.


The U.S. government has pledged $350 million in aid for tsunami victims. That may seem like a lot until you realize it spends that much every two days to finance its war in Iraq.

Just when you think it's not possible for someone to be any more evil....
The dangers of aspartame and Donald Rumsfeld

I know this report from years ago. It basically is just the historical timeline of the chemical known as aspartame or NutraSweet which is a poisonous chemical found in artificial sweeteners that some in the “unknowing masses” contingent use as a sugar substitute. As most people know, aspartame is poison. In thirty years of testing it has always proved to cause brain tumors and seizures, but there it is right on our grocery shelves. what a lot of people don't know is that in 1985 at the time the fda banned aspartame from ever being able to be consumed by humans because it was poison, the company president was Donald Rumsfeld, now the American secretary of defense. At this time he was the president of GD serle, the company that was trying to push this baby onto the unsuspecting market. And when they said no, he said he would “call in his markers” (use his political influence) to get it pushed through... which he did. Read the whole story above: Health advocates fought hard against aspartame in the mid-nineties. But still couldn’t save the public. Same thing now with the whole ‘milk it does a body good’ since everyone knows that milk is dangerous stuff. we all drink it. as little as possible of course, but still you have to be a moron not to know by now that milk is total fucking poison to the human body. (I know what you're thinking... I like milk too. but mainly now just in my coffee.. I use soy milk or rice milk in my cereal. I'm just too freaked out by the studies of how bad milk is for us, but man I love cream in my coffee)
Anyway, so aspartame gets approved through all of these really criminal and underhanded methods and now like with many things in the United States you have millions of people getting sick and dying every year and everyone standing around with their hands in the air going “what? I don't know how he got sick! Its all terribly sad and funny stuff. like everything about being human... our history, our laws, the rules, everything, all of it... its all written by the rich and powerful and has nothing to do with the truth.

[think about this. we all know how similar Osama bin laden and gw bush are. pretty much one and the same. In fact, lets face it, gw bush has killed thirty-thousand times more people now in Iraq than Osama bin laden did in the world trade center attacks. So maybe gw is even more evil than Osama.... who knows. but that's not the point... the point is this. you have these two men, both radically conservative and militant men who are willing to fight and kill to defend their religious beliefs and who right in front of the entire world are out there killing people in the name of their country and their God. right now through the world media, human beings, human consciousness is being influenced, almost forced to turn a blind eye to the horrors perpetrated by Mr. bush and at the same time being encouraged to look in horror at Osama bin laden and his attacks at the world trade centers.

Now if bush stays in office and is effective in his bid to take over the country of Iraq... and doesn’t do anything too crazy in the next four years... which is highly unlikely but lets just say he hangs in there and has a smooth ride... this is the crazy part... are you ready? here it is: he will be writing history. Two hundred thousand people killed at his command or not he will write the history that says that he is a good person and that Osama is a bad person. that America is the good country and that Osama and Hussein and the evil terrorists are the bad people. etc. you get the picture.

This is the way its always been. Humans have always had to put up with evil fuckhead bastards during their reign of terror and then a hundred years later we reverse our opinion and start recognizing how much in error we were at the time.. this is just human history. O.k. so what if Osama or Hussein would have won? Or even Hitler? Guess what? you with me? you getting it? yes exactly. they would be writing history instead. and they would be the good guys to the whole world. and America would seem like the bad guys. and they would seem like great men for defeating the Americans who were killing all these people and bullying all these little Muslim countries by only attacking our world trade centers and only killing three thousand people.... you see, that's the point. It has nothing to do with who's right or who's wrong... and it never has. Not since human history begun. It all has to do with who wins the battle. Always has. That's who gets to tell everyone how to print the story the next day. the last man standing. absolutely fucking fascinating stuff. horrible and terrifying. But interesting.

this is the human way. sad but true. the world is run by greedy tyrants. One minute some cat named Rumsfeld is trying to push through a poison chemical that the fda has proved causes tumors and seizures onto the unsuspecting masses so he can make more money, and twenty years later he's running a full-on assault on a tiny country named Iraq which happens to own the world’s second largest oil sources, ordering young American kids to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people. the world is run by tyrants whores and thieves. Always has been.

What always comes to my mind next. whenever I have this thought. Its this. what would happen if I ever ran a huge company like Serle? Or became the secretary of defense? Would I become a insane and greedy tyrant who doesn’t give a shit about the truth or about other people’s health? I mean, is this just how it is? do all people in high positions become evil monsters? ...

O.k. I'm just kidding. Trying to be fair to the old boy. But no, sorry, that wouldn’t happen to me. lets face it. guys like that are assholes because they were born assholes. And they just don't care that they’re assholes. Money and power is their thing and that's that. the rest is unimportant.

I swear to God I just emailed someone to go download msn messenger because email is sooooo slow. And two days earlier someone had said the same thing to me... go get msn messenger so we can talk faster than email... can you imagine? We are already thinking email is too slow for us???? God how long has it been now? seven or eight years now since we've been using email. more really. So yeah that makes sense... tech is moving fast now...

Last screening: the rules of the game. 1939 French classic from Renoir.

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