Saturday, February 12, 2005

Went to a club to see Jim Camacho perform... brilliant. he is on fire. He is totally THERE. I will try hard to get him further in his career. he deserves it.

Because I'm sick I went home early and lied in bed to watch DVDs. First was an Iranian movie called Maryam. Reminded me so much of how fearful we are when we hear the word Iran as Americans... this movie took place in 1979 when they took the hostages... if they didn't hate us enough back then, we then supported Iraq in their war with Iran, so now they hate us even more... I have spent many hours studying the history of Iran and Persian to gain a better understanding of this foreign world.

Princess Little Tree and I have been talking about going over there to visit. But I do not believe now would be a good time with everything going on now. Iran is in the news everyday again now. they want to build heavy nuclear water plants and other nuclear programs and the US says no... after studying the situation I understand the stance that America is taking... but I also understand the position of the Iranians as well... who wants to be told that you cannot do something that you want to do by someone bigger than you who has nothing to do with you? no one.  But on the other side of the token again, it is said that they are the largest supporter of international terrorism... terrorism is part of their religion... here in America we are told that it is not by the American muslims, but if you study it you see clearly whether or not it is officially on the books or not, certain forms of terrorism – a religious right to kill to defend their religious beliefs --- is certainly something that is taught to them from the day they are born... so at best it’s a confusing situation... hard to see the path of light. As for me, as fascinated as I am about the country and culture and the language, things will need to improve before I go.

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