Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Dear one, love is not a sad truth at all. that is a glorious dream from your oh solo mio heart. nothing wrong dear in holding the vision that everyone holds for themselves. everyone wants that. and you will have it before you know it. i always told you to hold out for the right one that will make your home and life the peaceful loving center you long for. remember the woman has an enormous amount to do with the energy of the home and the psychic of the children and everyone's emotional well being. that's why they are given so much love and compassion and understanding. they are the nurturers.  you will have your lovely perfect person Fishy. just stay in an honorable position until then and after god brings her to you.

The resolution of past life relationships and residues is why we come back as it is part of the evolving process of the soul. the fulfilling and honoring of karmic contracts and connections especially family and love ones is essential to move you through old issues to new horizons, new states of emotional freedom for yourself and them. how do we know the service a loving heart has been for those we have loved. like you, everyone i've ever loved has told he they never had love like i gave them with total devotion and care for their highest good. isn't it a blessing to be able to offer that honey. It is a beautiful thing. so we are completing some old karmic patterns and attractions as they show up for us this time.

we can be emotionally involved and even attached yet be able to see beyond our emotions clearly and be able to finish relationships with grace and loving friendship in tact.

That is my advice for today dear. love mom

Current spin: ivano fossati, 700 giorni. A little too eighties pop but still a good listen. He is very good.

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