Monday, May 30, 2005

This is interesting. Chart showing the death tolls of all US wars:

Just look it. In all of its shining gore-lory. This is one of the biggest farces the world has seen in decades, this charade they call operation Iraqi freedom. Right up there with Vietnam, Chavez and the Venezuela crisis, Castro’s Cuba, Rwanda, china in general, north Korea, you name it. “A new government” is what they call what in college we learned was known as a “puppet regime.” Under “Iraq’s population,” CNN says that the majority of the “insurgents” fighting “the Iraqi government” are Sunni Muslims, with a minority being Shiite Muslims. No, I'm serious, they really say this. In the same sentence they use the words “Sunni Muslims” and “insurgents.”

Recently I had a dream where I was at a press conference and I asked GW, who was looking mighty dapper as always I might add, a simple question... “Mr. President. If china came over here to America and invaded us and you and I had to battle it out along with thousands of other men to defend ourselves and our families against these Chinese invaders, who would be the insurgents?” “Uuuhhh... they would be?” he stammers... “Yes that's right sir. the Chinese invaders would be the insurgents because that's what the word means. Thank you Mr. president.”

So lets get this straight; just for clarification and a good laugh before bed. The majority of the “insurgents” battling the United States armed forces in Iraq are Iraqis of the Sunni Muslim religion and a minority of them are Iraqis of the Shiite Muslim religion and yet THEY are the insurgents? But they live there? o.k. that's a good one. that's right up there with Michael Jackson never had plastic surgery, milk it does a body good, all is well with health insurance for Americans, our jobs going overseas is not a bad thing, homosexuality is somehow wrong, drilling for oil in the Alaskan wild is not so bad, selling our national forests to Asia by the tens of thousands of acres per day is o.k. and nothing to worry about, and Britney and Paris deserve all the press they get. good stuff. there has never been a time to be more proud...

And of course there’s a “coalition casualties” chart as you’ll notice, which isn't a bad thing, since our government tries desperately to shield these casualties from us, but nothing absolutely nothing about the Iraqi casualties – military nor civilians (currently estimated at 120,000). HOW is this even the least bit fair or balanced news reporting? Fucking unbelievable. We have been kidnapped by robbers murderers and thieves and are locked up on a ship of fools sailing for Alice’s Wonderland and we don't even know it. 

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