Thursday, December 06, 2007

Message to the world: SOS! America has been taken over and we need your help!!!

Well if we had any doubts before today... they have certainly been quenched by this late breaking news. as if we needed confirmation. funny thing is that there are still plenty of sheeple running around blind and dumb to the whole thing. They'll tell you everything's going to be alright. no big deal if OUR government commits fraud, torture, all sorts of felonies and then covers them up, destroys the evidence, etc. You wanna a beer bro? What are you so worried about? Let's go see the christmas tree in rockefeller center. But if another country does that, now thats a whole different thing. And if one of us does it, now that's a crime, that's treason. What's good for the goose aint good for the gander in the fascist republic. not no more. The selected officials do whatever the hell they want and baby it's alright. Sleep tight america. Death comes a'knockin in the night and has no mercy. Half our family is in prison for protesting but we still salute the ole red white and blue. Cause we aint got shit for brains and dont know no better.

Message to the rest of the world: There are still some intelligent people left in america. stop. We are being held captive by a fascist junta regime that has taken over our government. stop. they are breaking every law we have on our books and reversing every law we had in our constitution. stop. we know you see it. stop. what we want you to know is that some of us see it too but we don't know what to do. stop. please stop patronizing america's phoney government, stop caving into their bullying threats and taking bribes from these criminals disguised as our elected officials. stop. stop doing business with this government, stop buying their weapons of mass destruction. stop participating in their unjust and inhuman wars. stop. stop appearing on television with them and stop taking meetings with them. stop all communication with them until they agree to STEP DOWN. stop. that is the only thing that will help save our once great nation. We are relying on you the rest of the civilized world community to save the american people from a government taken over by an inhuman multi-national military industrial corporate controlled group who call themselves our leaders. stop. we feel helpless and we need your assistance. stop. end of communication.

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Thursday, December 6, 2007 -- 4:54 PM ET

C.I.A. Says It Destroyed Tapes of Harsh Interrogations

The C.I.A. destroyed the tapes in 2005 in the midst of congressional and legal scrutiny about its secret detention program, according to government officials.

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