Sunday, April 06, 2008

Prairie Home Companion Live!!!

Hey man,
Thanks for showing last night. I had prior arrangements to attend THE Prairie Home Companion live-recording broadcast at Town Hall in NYC.

Was it awesome you ask to be sitting there a mere ten feet from Garrison Keillor and crew while they recorded their 35 year plus and still running radio show live out to over 600 radio stations all over America and the rest of the world fully knowing that while Mr. and Mrs. Jones in wherever USA were sitting in their living room or driving in their pickup truck or minivan down route 60 listening in as they always do each Saturday evening that I was right there witnessing the whole damn thing live and in person on stage?

Uh yeah, it was a downright awesome Americana experience. Something I will hopefully never forget. For it was very special. And hopefully something I will get to do again -- it is definitely something I would recommend to anyone and definitely do now and then repeatedly just because its such an easy way to have a good time. authentic goodness at its best is how I would sum it up. We just don't have much like that anymore in the world.

An unexpected perk was the introduction to the music and wit of Brad Paisley. I had never heard Brad's music before last night and must say i was mightily impressed. Good voice, great on the guitar, catchy songs, funny as all hell. But tender too.

But alas I did miss being at the party last night – though I am well-burned out on them a little these days – I would have loved to see you all in one cozy spot due to the main event – young Candyman's first trip abroad and the ensuing stories that will be created around his experiences. Really proud of/happy for him. And I was really glad that you all were able to come on down. it meant a lot to him.

Sorry to have missed it and you guys.

Then I slept till 12:30PM! Haven't done that since I don't know when -- so I TOTALLY slept through church. AND yes -- this really takes the cake – I was supposed to be meeting the wife of a rather famous Episcopal priest/prison reformer/long time activist/current Obama campaign trailer there at our church to show her around and I totally sleep through the whole thing!

O.k. so I'm a fucking idiot. a jackass. A fool. Really, one could say “a retard” and not be insulting the mentally challenged.

Turns out she loved the church anyway, introduced herself to head pastor and the rest of the gang, told them she was a friend of mine and had come on my invitation; I'm sure she was then asked “so where is Fishy anyway” and I can only imagine their response when she answered “I think he is sleeping...”

Well I have had to live down worse things.

Will upload pix and video of the event when i have the time. Peace

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