Saturday, February 18, 2012

Prepare for the US/Israel to Falsely Announce that Iran Has Bombed a US Aircraft Carrier in the Persian Gulf

     This just in. The date is February 18th, 2012. The United States media may soon announce that the country of Iran has bombed American aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise after Israel actually bombs it to bury it in the Persian Gulf where it is currently parked. The Carrier is ancient and no longer in use, and thus needs disposing of. Being in the Persian Gulf is an odd place for a nuclear armed American aircraft carrier; but not if the United States or Israel need an excuse to declare war on Iran or their nuclear energy facilities. It may be the perfect place for the United States military industrial system to conveniently have this no-longer-useful giant war machine parked. Time will tell.
     In the meantime, we can stop this plan -- if there is even any truth to it -- by simply calling them out on it before they themselves make the announcement. Watch the video(s) below, and do your own research, bearing in mind two well-known facts: number one, the US and Israel have already pulled off these kinds of false attacks on their own soil in the past in order to drum up support and declare war on other countries (including Iran) -- see the 1953 CIA coup d'etat in Iran which ousted their democratically elected president Mosadegh (or research the history of BP Oil), or the Gulf of Tonkin sham re the Vietnam/Laos/Cambodian Massacres, Pearl Harbor during WW II, or the false US Liberty attack as a few examples; some may even point one in the direction of the September 11th attacks as the most recent examples... but only time and more research will eventually shed light on that increasingly American suspicious tragedy;
     Number two -- just sit down and watch read or listen to the news for the next few days: something regarding the country of Iran is going down. The media is having a field day with it. New information seems to be leaking on a near hourly basis from various "sources" in the United States government and/or military attempting to scare the US populace and implying that Iran is "an immanent threat to the safety of Americans". Most recently there has even been talk, regardless of how silly and unlikely it may seem, that Iran is preparing to attack the United States from secret military sights in South or Central America. It appears that the oil pipelines that the United States military is currently working feverishly to build running from the Caspian Sea into the Persian Gulf (the real reason why US Service men and women are in Iraq and Afghanistan) are not enough for the US and that running a pipeline right straight through Iran would be the easiest and least expensive path. That's obvious. An attack on Iran would also satisfy Israel's fear of a nuclear powered Iran, though getting around Russia and China now is becoming a daunting task for even the once powerfully influential United States due to the ever weakening "dollar" in the world's currency market.
     Much more can be said about this subject, but here is not the place for it. Transcendence is simply rising above the rumors and circus of day to day political shenanigans in order to diffuse the lies and deception and the "right and wrong game" so world peace will eventually transpire on earth in a real sense. Much to the shame and chagrin of a few well meaning but ill intentioned people who call themselves "Christians" there is simply no logical reason why we the people of planet earth must endure yet another war, or an "Armageddon" or a "tribulation" in order for this world peace to ensue. They may want it, because it is supposedly predicted in their "Bible" -- but as a practicing Christian and Buddhist myself, I find even the fantasy of such ideas reprehensible and entirely non-Christ like. Nuff said. Check out the works and writings of more educated and noted authorities on the subject of why the United States and Israel is so desperate to militarily strike the country of Iran yet again.
     This last statement refers to the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. The US tried desperately to take over Iran through covertly supporting Saddam Hussein's Iraq during the eight year war with Iran in the 1980s, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Iranians after the Iranian Islamic Revolution. When Iran proved too strong and resolute to defend themselves, the US started secretly backing Iran, selling them weapons at the same time as providing weapons to Iraq figuring both countries would eventually just blow themselves up and the US government could simply step in and take over both countries. That mission failed once the data started leaking to the international media and voila along came the forever damaging Iran-Contra Affair and perhaps even worse, a peace settlement between those two countries. Hence the US's eventual invasion of Iraq and the thinly veiled execution of Saddam Hussein. There was not a chance in hell the United States was going to allow Hussein to speak publicly in an international court of law. It would have been devastating to the reputation of the United States on the world stage. Though one presumes that most well educated people understand these facts. Again though, time will tell. 
     There are plenty of videos on YouTube already discussing this topic. Here is one. Here is the link:

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