Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Cleopatra... made me who I am today. I had never had that kind of support before. her excitement and her belief in me. it was blind. And it gave me the kind of support that I had never had before. God I loved her for that. forgot about it for a while. Do I now have it in me to do it on my own? do I believe in myself? Without the belief or support from anyone else? I can barely breathe at the thought of it, but I believe that I finally starting to believe in myself. All on my own.

LAST SCREENING: the last king. An A&E three hour movie about King Charles the II, truly, the last real king of England. This is a great movie. As soon as it is over you want to see it again. great history. Great story. Great acting. One has no idea how impactful the catholic church was in humankind’s history. England was the first country to stand up to papal rule. Because of them, we are all finally safe from that tyranny that was once so brutal and omnipotent. See this film.

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