Thursday, September 06, 2012

A Premonition

I'm only going to say this once. And I hesitate to do so. But I dare not NOT say it. Just in case. In fact maybe just by letting it out, we can somehow avoid it. I'm telling you, others, because I don't want Princess Little Tree to be the only I tell. For she's usually the only one I share most of these things with... It's too big a burden for her to carry, both now and if it ever transpires, which we hope and pray it never does. The biggest problem there is that I have honed my intuition so keenly at this point that when I do get a hit and it's so strong that I feel compelled to share it, it almost never doesn't happen. From the smallest of things to the biggest, from the most minute and insubstantial to deeply profound and transformational events, I have developed (or better put discovered and then developed) an intuitive ability so strong that as long as I stay open I can "see" (or "hear" as the case often is) nearly everything that happens to or around us on a 24/7 basis. Whether awake or when sleeping. No it's not necessarily a great thing. It is often fun, true. But it is also equally disturbing at times. Such was the case today. Just now in fact.
It went something like this. A few minutes ago, when I was watching a replay of President Clinton's speech from last night on Politco and the camera flashed to Michelle, I had a premonition. I feel reluctant to say anything further regarding what it was about. I think it's obvious to those that can FEEL beyond themselves. Our president. Something not good. Something completely and utterly horrible. An attempt on his life by someone or some force that is lost in pain, bitterness and wickedness. There is a hatred in the air against president Barack Obama that we have never seen in our lifetimes... Why I don't know... It can't JUST be about his "class warfare" political agenda, though I am sure that is contributing to it. But there must be more to it than that... There's just something that certain people do not like about this man. And for the life of me I cannot see why, for I personally find him to be one of the most noble of any American president or elected leader we've ever had. But plenty of people just don't agree with this assertion.
We must not forget the Gaby Giffords incident just two years ago... This evening we watched her do her best to walk out onto the stage at the Democratic National Convention and struggle to recite the American Pledge of Allegiance. Something I am sure she could have done in her sleep before the tragedy that befell her. An attack on her life and the lives of others for no other reason than the fact that they were Democrats. This is a strange phenomenon, this rage and hatred that is running through the veins of so many who label themselves Republican lately. Personally I couldn't imagine hating anyone enough to want to kill them, or even hurt them. But there is a hate brewing in the heart of some of our brothers and sisters that is sinister now, something that is hard to explain or understand. The reasons not completely apparent except for the most obvious...
The feeling that I get from them sounds something like this: once was one thing... and once was enough. They've put up with it and done their best to be patient and "endure" it. But to some of them, the ones whose hearts are bursting with painful rage and a racist streak so strong that they feel they're going to burst, they just don't feel like they can handle another four years with "that man" as our president. It's more than just not feeling aligned with the politics of a party that you don't agree with. It's a deep seated dislike of the man himself, not for his politics, but for who he is and what he represents. The "dream fulfilled" that so many of us have celebrated since the election of Barack Obama is not part of their American Dream. And it makes them seethe. Unfortunately sometimes some people cannot control this rage. They do things that most of us would never even dare imagine in our own minds, let alone consider taking action on. We've seen it before. It is always shocking.
Now, before we get crazy about this (because my premonitions have a very high rate of return), let me also tell you this: as I sat quietly here and listened to what else my intuition was saying just afterwards, for I did feel a strong need to listen more to see if there was anything else there... it sounded something like this: "Yes, you are right. It is in the air. You are right to have picked up on it. They will try. But they will not be successful. Do your best to stop vibrating it, lest you have a hand in creating it non-deliberatly; even though you picked up on it in consciousness, it doesn't mean that it MUST happen. In fact, like all things, it is still just an idea, up in the air, up for the taking, not yet happened and not necessarily an inevitability... Things can change. Yes it's there... but let it go."
So. There it is. Now you know. Just in case. Like I said, honing our inherent God given ability of Seeing is not always a good time. Sometimes it can be downright shocking, frightening and upsetting. But I do truly believe that it is better to voice the visions when we do hear or see them in our intuitive mode of consciousness. Letting it out. Freeing it so as not to hold it in with resistance, which almost always leads to its persistence. Let us hope that this letting it out is enough. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    My husband and I were just talking about this very thing this morning. I hope we are wrong in our suspicions also, but the haters are obsessed with hating Obama. Even famous haters, like Hank Williams Jr., and Ted Nugent, do not keep their hate to themselves, but encourage masses of ignorant followers to do their bidding for them. I hope we are all wrong. We (my husband and I) are worriers. I wonder what we would do if something tragic did happen???? I hope we never have to find out. Pam Veselinovic


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