Thursday, November 01, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Update

"How are things up there? We think about and pray for you everyday. So glad you're okay."
Truth be told it's a disaster area dude. Total insanity. From 40th street all the way down there is no power. Over a million homes still. None of them have water either. For drinking or for their toilets! Almost 200 dead now. Coastal line has been permanently altered/changed they're saying. airports are all flooded. Subways all flooded -- some to the ceiling. Buses wont run. No one can go to work so all the stores and restaurants are still closed. Streets are empty. But there are packs of dogs -- people's pets who are lost and hungry -- roaming the streets and howling at night. It's WEIRD! Think about the hood totally QUIET! Still. Just quiet.

Very few cabs are running still. Drivers can't get into the city. Hospitals have been destroyed by flooding and have had to evacuate. Billions of dollars of damages just to the hospitals alone. Some of the patients are critically ill who had to be moved. Talk about irony. President's been here all week. trying to help. It's SURREAL. And sad.

We got lucky here.... It was very random the damage. Sporadic destruction. In pockets. Our hood just got lucky. Nature doesn't discriminate. Makes no sense. Just hits wherever and whenever. It's hard to know what to feel. Can't say thank God because of the random way we just happened to make it thru unscathed while others got hit so hard. Does God pick and choose who "gets lucky" and who loses everything? Thank God if you make it out alive and curse God if you don't? It just really puts all that into perspective. Sure we are thankful. But what about the others?

Relieved and thankful but sad for all the people who are struggling. Lots of friends still have no power or running water... Or their house is flooded and lost all their stuff. Some lost their cars. Some lost loved ones. Some lost their lives.

They say it's the worst natural disaster to ever hit the Northeast. Especially New York and New Jersey. Truth is we aren't supposed to get hurricanes up here. Experts say its going to be the new normal now because of global warming. That's another issue. One that we have to deal with. But what to do about the naysayers? The ones who still refuse to acknowledge that global warming is happening. More than happening. We're knee deep in it now. Neck deep. And yet many in control still persist in putting "the economy" -- which is just code-speak for profits for large corporations --above environmental health. And they've for plenty of the middle state masses fooled into thinking this is a good idea. The United States reported abnormally record breaking high temperatures in over 25,000 American cities this year so far. What will it take to get the red-staters to understand what's happening? How they're being used as pawns to support a small minority of wealthy people who have no allegiance to any country or population.

It also has really made us all see how poor our infrastructure is here in America. The righties claim that's just liberals media hype. So they consistently vote against any bills or laws to start federal programs to improve our faltering infrastructures. And then this.

And how delicate the balance of our lives are. How dependent we all are on outside forces and technology for our basic human needs. In 24 hours many lost everything. Even the basics like water and food and shelter. It wouldn't take much to decimate the American populace at this point. We are all so dependent on things outside of our control for our most basic needs. With no real survival skills or even instincts left. People are just waiting for federal help. Helpless for themselves. And for food reason. Since WW II we've slowly lost those old fashioned survival instincts and that initiative that we once possessed that made the country so great to start with.

Some people are proclaiming welcome to the new future. Welcome to the new normal. I for one believe that thru this experience we can learn that this doesn't have to be the case. We just need to start over. Take two steps forward by taking a few steps back.

More later. Thanks for asking.

1 comment:

  1. Beforehand, we knew what was coming for areas like New York. We've all probably heard of the news about possibilities that New York for example might end up in waters sooner or later, but not many people did pay heed to this. The world should really learn from these disasters and have them prepare for the worst at whatever point in time they may be.


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