Monday, May 06, 2013

Music Streaming is NOT Sales

ATTN ALL MUSIC ARTISTS: IODA & The ORCHARD have been attempting to secretly collect YOUR streaming royalties along WITH your digital sales royalties. No matter WHAT label you are on you need to contact SOUND EXCHANGE directly and fill out a bunch of forms telling them "We wish to collect our OWN digital streaming royalties DIRECTLY." It's a pain in the rear and it takes a few days of solid work to complete (and a lot of calls), but its worth it. Don't let the digital sales aggregators take your streaming $. It's YOURS. Not theirs.

Fight for this. Digital Streaming -- Pandora, Spotify, YouTube etc. is one of our last revenue streams and is quickly surpassing digital sales (iTunes, amazonMP3, bandcamp, etc.) as our main source of income. Now that The Orchard has bought IODA there is only ONE main digital aggregator (the mechanism to get digital music online for consumers to purchase) in the world today. All the other systems actually run your songs THROUGH THEM. This monopoly is not necessarily a "bad" thing. But this should ONLY apply to SALES. Not streaming. Streaming should be paid directly to YOU or the label you are on.

Call Sound Exchange AND your label and let them know you'd like to be paid directly for ALL digital streaming of ALL your songs through all formats -- audio and video. You'll have to write a legal letter. In addition demand that ALL BACK MONEY paid to someone besides yourself also be paid back to you.
More later.

- Posted by The Ambassador using BlogPress on an iPhone

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