Monday, May 05, 2003

Wow what a day. A guy from Atlanta Georgia flew down this morning to buy my old pick up truck I had when I was just a young struggling long haired rocker. I sold it on eBay. I love eBay. So he flies down and is driving it all the way back to GA now as I type. I said good bye to the old girl. We had some good times together. 

I talked with La Princesa today for the first time in a few months. She is getting married! Crazy. I just stared at the computer screen for ten minutes when I read her email. Combination sadness and joy. She just met this guy on new years. But she is so happy. It just goes to show, you know. we knew that it wasn't going to work out. That it wasn't this ultimate thing for us. and when you follow your intuition like that you can’t go wrong. it was hard for us to separate even though we had only been hanging out for a few months, but we really enjoyed being together and we got a lot out of it. but I followed my gut and so did she and then bam a month later she meets this guy and now she is getting married. Man it just goes to show. Don't hang onto stuff if its not ultimate. Move on and allow other things even better space to come into your life.

The funny part is that our new album is Basically a living breathing testament to the time that we shared together and other girls too. a kind of synopsis of all of those experiences. A lot of the songs are about her and her sketches are being used in the artwork. And she of course will be married to some other guy. I just laugh at the irony of it all. Would you like wheat rye or raison toast with that sir? There are a lot of things you can make choices about in this life, but when it comes to love you just gotta go with the flow. 

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