Friday, December 12, 2003

Dear Fishy,

Essentially last few days a voice in my head continuously repeat that I have to call you. but I not have your number. So When I dreamed you being bored, I worried about you. You were seemed so sad in my dream. It is difficult to explain you. How I could feel your emotional circumstance. May be you can remember When first of all we saw each other in bus of  Siena, I felt that I have known you before I know  that this is ridiculous. but I can feel such emotions of persons who are important for me.

When I look your life from my window, I see the man who is handsome, successful, intelligent, humanist, talented, in other words your life is seemed sooooo meaningful. Of course you know all things about yourself and your life. All things I said above, are true and  my real thoughts about you and I am sure that persons who know you share same thoughts with me. However the most important thing what you feel because this is your life but only you can give more meaning to your life. What a pity there is any agreed solution to make more meaningful for our life.

Look I have a offer to you, let's you come to Turkey I will be so happy to put you up in my country.

Don't forget you are in my heart


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