Sunday, December 28, 2003

Slept next to the artisan for three nights. But we didn't fool around at all since now we are ‘just friends.’ Fun. And challenging. But easy. I can’t believe its over now and we did it. how cool. A three day ski vacation together as just friends. And it was no problem. o.k. well besides the fact that I was pretty much hard for three days straight. But that was the fun part. The artisan reminded me that “fishy, sexual tension can be a good thing babe.” Easier for her to say of course. My mind was racing at the thought of her pale white skin and more... so half the time I couldn’t even sleep. But I love her as a friend and she had just met this really great guy that she thought ‘just might be the one.’ So I resisted it, better put, I discredited the desire. Really respecting those boundaries and not going beyond them at all. and we had the time to just sit and talk all about sex and stuff, like girl talk. We took the time to test our friendship so to speak. To let loose with it and see if there was really friendship there. 

We got to share with one another a lot of girl and guy secrets that you don't normally share with someone you are seeing, but only with a “girl friend.” I asked her, as a girl, which phrase she prefers the most from a guy, ‘beat off, jerk off, do yourself, play with yourself, masturbate, etc...’  definitely not ‘beat your meat’ she says. ‘that's just gross!’ HAHA. ‘masturbate or do yourself are perfectly fine if you must talk about those things’ the desert princess says. And then I answered questions for her from a guy’s perspective (“why do you guys have to ‘do yourselves’ so much?! I mean everyday?!!!” “Well I don't know really. If its there, do it....). very funny. It was cool.  I told her just think of me now as one of your girlfriends. And don't hold back. We can share make up and stuff. tonight I helped her pick out her outfit her for a hot date tonight with a new boy. She told me that I am the poster-child for something that is now becoming mainstream called “a metro-sexual.” Basically the gay straight guy that I have always been is now becoming fashionable. Go figure. [go back in time and tell that to all the jocks in high school who used to always want to kick my ass for wearing eye makeup, LOL]

Current Spin: lots of Christmas CDs by Frank and Bing, Nat king Cole, Mariah Carey, Motown Christmas. And this new one from Sondra lerche or something. sounds like Ed Hale meets Donovan meets Beck. Hehe. 

Current read: a brief history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson. Great read! 

[the artisan is one of those people who preheats the oven before she puts the food in it. “are you one of those pre-heaters?! I ask. Told me that I must explore these types of people more in an episode on my TV show, perhaps conduct some interviews to explore this personality type. I have also discovered from my research that she makes her bed every morning when she wakes up. She calls soda, “pop”, not soda. She has never peed in the shower or bath, which I find truly disturbing. She never yanks cords out of the socket but instead bends over and pulls them out. so she's not a cord puller. And I would bet that she's one of those people that when she gets into an elevator with other people she hits the button for the floor she wants to go to even if it is already pushed in by someone else. just to make sure.]

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