Sunday, February 06, 2005

Also from CNN:
The Devil says: Iran must halt nuclear program

Take a look at the scary picture of the scary lady and the scary headline. Disturbing for sure.... there's this really creepy look of evil there. I don't know if she was just trying to look scary, or the photographers and editors just tried to choose a really scary photo to scare the Iranians, but boy oh boy... Its actually frightening, gives you the shivers this particular picture does, even more so in light of who she is, what she's now doing, and the fact that when the man named George w bush was re-elected, or rather, elected for the first time as president of the United States, his entire cabinet immediately resigned, except for this woman. and now she is running around doing his dirty work. read below:
“U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said today that Iran must live up to its international obligations to halt its nuclear program or the next steps are in the offing. "And I think everybody understands what the 'next steps' mean," Rice told reporters after a meeting with NATO foreign ministers and European Union officials. In his state of the union address, President Bush singled out Iran as "the world's primary state sponsor of terror -- pursuing nuclear weapons."
Now one assumes what she means by “and I think everybody understands what the next steps mean” is that we are about to invade Iran if they don't do whatever we say... its pretty weird living here now. very weird. you don't wake up uncomfortable necessarily, but by the time you’ve had your morning cup of coffee and read the news for five minutes, you start becoming quite uncomfortable indeed because you begin to understand that our country is really going through a bad time right now with this administration. It is as if we have been taken over by this evil force of nature and we just can’t get things back. these people are just going to go all fucking nutso now, you can tell. Thank God for Colin Powel that he quit when he did. Good for him. I think rice is going to end up one of the most hated politicians in the world by the time this is over.
She’s going around telling these smaller countries, “You need to stop your nuclear program now.” Iran replies, “Why?” “Because we say so. Your smaller and we’re bigger. And that's that.” “But you have a nuclear program. In fact you're the only country in the history of the world to ever use nuclear weapons against another country...” “Yes but that's different. You're terrorists.” “How can you call us terrorists? You're not terrorists? You just killed over a hundred thousand Iraqi people last year alone. And WE’RE terrorists?” “Listen, rag-head, I hear ya, but the boss says stop. You gotta stop. Don't shoot me. I'm just the messenger. You're evil because George says you’re your evil. You know what I mean here? You don't really have a choice here...” “Connie sweetheart, listen, I'm hearing you, you know you're not bad looking except for the horns coming out of your head and that smoke coming out of your ass every now and then... but you have to understand Rice baby... you sponsored one of the most evil terrorist states in the world, Iraq, during our war with them. You know this... you gave them weapons, you gave them chemical and biological weapons for years and years so they could poison and gas our people. Millions of our people died because of the weapons you were supplying Iraq and then millions of Iraqis died at the hand of Saddam Hussein with those same weapons you supplied him with... the whole time your government lied to your own people about it... you didn't get permission from your congress as you're supposed to, you didn't declare war, you didn't tell the citizens of your country you were doing it... and now you're asking us why we’re trying to build up a nuclear weapons program? You're asking us why our people are out in the streets burning your flags? You're calling us terrorists? Connie baby... c'mon...” “Listen camel jockey, if you don't mind me calling you that, I hear you, and I thank you for the compliments... but frankly I have to catch a flight up to north Korea to give the same speech and I'm tired of this conversation. Just ditch the fucking weapons plan or we’re moving in. George is angry. You won't like him when he's angry...”

I get this email from Liz about the pic of the devil woman:
“Yes she does look like the You know, I have often (since Nov 2000) wondered if Bush is not the Anti-Christ... The actual Anti-Christ as described in the Bible is actually 2 people: one who is charming and loved by all and one who quietly holds the power. The two are rarely seen together, but the charismatic one cannot perform any "miracles" without the other, quieter, less liked one... Between the two, they convince the majority of the people that they are following the word of God and that they are the righteous. In this way the charming one is chosen to lead the new Babel, land of wealth and power. Meantime, the few that oppose the unholy duo that compose the Anti-Christ suffer and weep for they see the truth and the future of mankind... Hmmmmmm.... If only I was Christian.... I'd recognize Bush's administration as the end times. ;)

Right but who would be the other one??? two people? that is fucking stupid... I don't believe in the anti-Christ nor in the devil nor in a Christ... but man if I did, yeah, bush would be it... he's following right along with what the bible says the anti-Christ would be... I'll give you that.

Princess Little Tree calls me at 6 AM. Tells me “anyone who is against united states is labeled a “terrorist” now. I don't buy it. this is just the united stated viewpoint that they are trying to pound into everybody. But its not going to stick... it grosses me out. it makes me nauseous. I just cannot believe the audacity, what is this blatant militarism and imperialism of this wicked man? What is his mission on this earth? What are we supposed to learn from him? why is he here? we have to integrate him and his wickedness somehow... to discover what the lesson of him is...

She tells me how when they were children that they survived an eight year war. With Iraq? I ask. Yes, it was horrible. I wasn't there. I was here in America as you know hiding with my parents... but some of our family was still there. everyone has a bomb shelter in their house. with no electric and gas or lights in it so in case planes would fly over you would hide there... so many people we knew were killed. ‘We were giving Iraq money and weapons to kill you all at that time,’ I say. ‘yes I know. and chemical and biological weapons... that's where Iraq got them... from the United States because of the war with Iran...” and now they are fighting with Iraq and with Iran... wow... its so weird she says. What do they want? She asks and her voice trails off...

“My parents are now citizens of America... and its so weird... because they are citizens of a country that wants to destroy their home country. its so crazy.... its not that America is not a good country. They're both good. its just that there are evil people on both sides. Like those clergy men in Iran. They're like Bush. Willing to kill anybody for their beliefs... but I believe that we will survive this, no matter what he does... we will all survive...”

When I was kid we only heard about how evil Iranians were. We used to watch the news and the angry evil Iranians burning American flags and spitting vitriolic criticisms of everything and anything American. I thought they were scary animals....
I never knew they were real people like us...  just had no idea... now after getting know Princess Little Tree of Iran, I understand things a bit better...

[To lighten things up a bit... what else can you do.... I joked to Princess Little Tree how we should all learn the language of Farsi, the native language of Iran, because any day we were gong to start attacking Iran next so there will be a need for interpreters... Yeah I think they're second on our list of axis of evil...  she says Iraq, Iran, Libya... no, I say, not Libya anymore. They're ours now. They finally caved in. Like Egypt, or Jordan. their leader finally says o.k. fine I give up; give me lots of your money and you can take over our country. we’ll stop making weapons and trying to defend ourselves. Do what you want. Just give us money.... I think after we kill a few more million people over in those parts we’ll pretty much get all of them. one by one, they’ll either play along or.. well, you know...

I think now it’s like Iraq Iran Syria and maybe Pakistan. Pakistan? Aren't they on our side? I don't know actually. I think they harbor terrorists and are building weapons... well aren't we building weapons? Well yeah, were allowed to. they're not? Well that doesn’t seem fair. Don't we have the most weapons? Yes. precisely. That's why we’re allowed to have weapons and those smaller countries aren't. haha. Aren't they hiding a lot of terrorists over there in Pakistan? Yeah maybe so... and what about Afghanistan? Are they on our hit-list too? No I think they're cool. we already invaded them and now they’ve had their “free elections.” Laughs. I think that's a euphemism for “we get to choose their leaders for them for the next couple of decades...” that's what “they get to have free elections” means.... yeah.... like in Iraq. They have their elections coming up this weekend. But who are they voting for? Isn't it just one or two guys that we chose for them... crazy stuff. If you are a thinking person, all you can do is laugh and cry and dry your eyes every now and then...]

Only walked 3.07 miles today.

Current read: The History of Jordan. Have this Middle East fetish going lately. What a mess the Middle East is and has been. Like a boiling cauldron. Any minute it could explode. Say what you will about America, and God knows I do, but we are very lucky to live here. Bush may indeed turn out to be the anti-Christ. He's certainly trying hard... but we are still very lucky overall to live here now.

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