Saturday, September 04, 2004

This president Putin of Russia gets on television and says to his people and to the world this morning that there was no need or cause for the Chechen rebels to attack the school in Russia. They are referring to them as terrorists. Of course he fails to mention that Russia attacked them first, took over their country, stole all their oil, stopped them from going to their own churches and schools, committed mass genocide on them for the past two hundred years, and still to this day refuses to give their country back to them or let them establish their own Muslim state as it used to be.

Our own media here refuses to tell us what is really going on. They report on the “terrorist attack” and don't tell us a word of the truth surrounding the event.

Of course all one has to do is to look it up. the facts are right there for anyone to read. But because they are a world super power everyone will instead play this lying game and act like nothing is wrong and there are just some random terrorists attacking the poor Russian people.

It was too early in the morning for me to see this on TV. I was sickened by their president’s message on live TV. Acting as if they’ve done nothing and they now have no other choice but to go in and attack the Chechen people more... I am not even upset by the attack of the Chechen people on the Russians. I am sorry, but I just want them to get their country back and I don't care how they do it. if they have to kill half the Russian population in order to win back their country then so be it. all Russia has to do is give them their ENTIRE country back. these attacks are the Russian government’s fault, not the Chechen people’s.

For the next three to four days we will be bombarded with images of grieving Russians on our TVs courtesy of one of the biggest propaganda machines in the western world, CNN. The fact that Chechnya is fighting for its freedom or that most of the men in the country have been killed in mass genocides and wars by the Russians will be largely ignored. And the reporters will keep straight faces while reporting the half truths of the story. Instead we will see sweeping images of crying mothers and photos of dead Russian children. We will not see any images of dead Chechen children or the millions of Chechens killed over the last two hundred years by the russians.

The propaganda, the way it is set up, and I am the first to admit that it is not entirely deliberate on the part of CNN and other news agencies -- you can kind of tell that they are just playing along, reporting what they are told by the large governments, but the ideal here is that we are meant to equate the Chechen people with terrorism or the northern Irish with terrorism, or the Palestinian people with terrorism, and any other people who don't play along with the major players in the world, namely, the US, the UK, Russia, china, and any of the smaller slave states who are under their control.

All of the other world leaders sent these messages saying how shocked they were at the inhumanity of “the terrorists.” Personally I find myself more shocked by the Russian government’s ability to be such good liars and thieves; and the other countries such as the UK and the US who sit by and let it all happen. I understand what the Chechen people have done. They need to do more of it. we cannot continue to allow bigger richer countries to go in and take over smaller countries and kill their people just because they want to and then pretend that they are terrorists when they try to defend themselves. Perhaps this reaching out by the Chechen people will get the Russian people to get off their ass and force their government to do something to reverse the damage they have done to the Chechen people.

We are in a very dangerous time in human history right now. but not for the reasons why they tell us in the mainstream media. We are in a dangerous time right now in human history because on the surface things appear to have gotten better, but in reality it is just that the leaders and puppet masters have gotten better at disguising the cons and deceptions around us. Things are just as brutal and barbaric and misguided. If you are an informed and intelligent person you can easily become confused and bewildered by how opposed our reality is to mainstream knowledge.

As a very broad example I recently thought of right here at home, take a look at the ‘state’ of Texas in the United States. Look how it juts down into the country of Mexico as it does. now Texas as most people don't know --- current mainstream knowledge --- was part of Mexico not too long ago. But some greedy and barbaric Americans decided they wanted it for themselves. So they invaded the country, killed a few million Mexicans, fought a so-called war against them till they surrendered and took this huge chunk of land away from the Mexican people, renamed it Texas, and made it part of the United States. so now you have all of these people who are born there who call themselves ‘Texans’ and even ‘Americans.’ Having no idea of course that they are really Mexicans. And lets get to the true root of how evil and totally whacky it is. we have a border between us and Mexico and now those Mexicans who live on the other side of that border aren't allowed in and we stop them at gun point if they try to get in to that part of ‘America,’ meaning ‘Texas,’ meaning really, ‘old Mexico.’ It used to be their own fucking country till we took it away from them and now we stop the at gunpoint from getting in to their own country! Its fucking unbelievable.

Its just like Iraq. Which really isn't Iraq at all. the name Iraq was given to that country earlier in the 20th century, less than a hundred years ago by England when they invaded their country. so it is Iraq? It is now. who the hell knows. those poor people have just been pushed around forever by everyone and anyone.

Now when you bring up the whole Mexican thing, some Texans or even some Americans may get upset, because after all, transgressing against another almost certainly and immediately leads to denial of the act and projection against the victim, in order to distance one’s self from the act. So the last thing Texans or Americans want to think about is how we stole that big chunk of their land from them. they will point to the fact that we eventually paid them 15 million (if my memory serves me right) for their land, but that was after we butchered a good 20 million of them while trying to steal it. so we eventually gave them 15 million bucks. O.k. great. But let me ask you, whoever you happen to be, a very simple question. If I go into your home and tell you I want to take your house and all of your stuff, and you protest and fight me to try to defend your house and all of your stuff, and in the process I kill most of your family and then I turn around and give you 15 million dollars, does that justify what I did? does that somehow make it right? does that make you happy or satisfied or all of a sudden feel as though you got a fair deal? I would hope not.

See what I mean? If I did that, I would be breaking the law. But when a large country does it to a smaller country it is called anything but breaking the law. We have numerous euphemisms for it. But no one in power calls it breaking the law. Laws exist for people like you and me; for simple folk who are under the direct control of larger richer meaner people. the same laws do not apply to large countries or to large multi-national corporations. Although at this time in human history we still do not acknowledge this fact. We never have. and that is what makes this time so dangerous. Because on TV and in the papers and on the radios we almost sort of kind of act like we do but for the most part we are still doing a lot of pretending, basically letting the bullies of the school yard rule the roost rather than being led by our own instinctual call to what is right and just and true and moral.

Because on the surface we have a lot of large countries and governments saying one thing and pretending one thing, but doing another behind the scenes. And we all pretend along with everyone else. And for the most part all is well in the matrix as long as no one realizes what is actually happening, such as is the case right now with Chechnya.

As long as the world’s super powers and the world media continue to report on the Chechen people’s fight for their freedom as ‘terrorist acts’ instead of what it really is, then all seems well in the world. ‘we’ are the good guys and ‘they’ are the bad guys. and ‘we’ need to feel sorry for ‘us’ and feel hatred for ‘them’ and do our best to try to stop ‘them.’ even though this is all one big lie and many people know it, no one will speak up about it. its fucking crazy. But here's where it gets even trickier. What if one day ‘we’ wake up and discover that ‘we’ are all of a sudden ‘them?’ such was the case with the Chechen people when Russia invaded their country. such was the case when the Iraqi people discovered that England was invading their country or when the United States was invading. or any other numerous situations when the tables turned on someone because someone bigger wanted what they had.

Every now and then someone slips through the cracks and starts to see through the matrix. What to do, that is always the million dollar question.

The thing about being one of the ones that sees through is that it’s a phenomenal burden and a general pain in the ass. Often times you don't want to see through anything. In the matrix movies you have a choice whether you see through or not, but in real life we don't really have that choice. some of us don't anyway. You just wake up one day and realize that most of everything you're being told is bs, and that most everyone you know is somehow believing it but for some strange reason you're not.

The thing is that everyone wants to fit in. Who doesn’t want to fit into the society that they coexist in? I want to sit around the kitchen table with everyone and speak ignorantly about everything going on in the world just like everyone else. I want to play the game too and feel all good and warm and cozy and fit in with everyone.

I'm as American as it gets. I love America and I love Americans. When I'm on the phone with customer service reps or airline reps that are actually here in America which is rare now, I grant you that, I love talking to them about normal everyday things and just shooting the American breeze with them. I love that. I want to do more of it, but because there is such a chasm between what is really going on in our country and what most American people actually know, it makes it very hard sometimes to talk about anything but the weather. and just wait till you are sitting at the table with a bunch of people over the holidays and you discover that almost everything they are talking about it complete bullshit propaganda that's about as true as “milk it does a body good” but they just don't know it.

Its not easy. Normally I will quietly sneak out a door somewhere till they finish just to be a gentleman so as not to strike up any bad vibes in the room or cause a ruckus or get too nauseous and throw up. It still gets under my skin pretty bad but a lot of times I just don't have it in me to get into it with people. and here's the biggest problem we face as the few the proud the informed: who are most people going to believe, us or CNN? You betcha. Most people are going to believe their president or their local paper or a TV news anchor or the back of the cereal box or the cartoon public service announcements on Saturday morning or any other form of more seemingly legitimate sources of info than anyone that they actually know personally. I don't know why, but people have a tendency to believe people they don't know more than people they do know. but on the other hand they have a tendency to believe people they don't know but know of more than either of the other groups. Weird.

O.k. lets take the economy and investing as an example. Because Boo Boo Kitty and I were talking about it for hours last night. she desperately needs financial planning and investing advice and even was recently on the suze ormon show to get it. still not satisfied, she asked me to help her because I am moderately if not downright obsessed ad nauseaum with the subjects the last few years. everyone knows this but perhaps they don't realize how truly obsessed I have become, that I am up to about five hours a day now just studying finance, investing, economics, and money in general. Sometimes ten hours a day on the weekends. Its just my thing right now. the next uncharted territory out there to discover. So for about eight years it has become an obsession. Which is funny because ten years ago I couldn’t have cared a bit for any of it.

Anyway, she knew about the three bucket principle, a third of your money goes into cash, a third goes into secure low risk investments such as bonds or tbills or cds and a third goes into high risk fast growth investments. But that was about it. she was freaking out about this upcoming stock market crash that everyone is whispering about. I told her that by the time things hit the mainstream its too late. the money has already been made or lost by the powers that be and the people who know. the key is to get to the information months or years before it hits cnbc. Even though most people think that is they see it on cnbc or cnnfn then they should act. But by then its usually too late.

I was explaining to her a few of the basics that those in the know know, and those in the mainstream don't know. like precious metals. Like how warren buffet has quietly collected over half a million dollars in silver alone. Like investing in currencies of growing economies such as Iraq. Actually. We laugh. Hey say what you will about bush and his invading their country. but its been done now. want a good bet? Buy Iraqi currency for the long haul. We may need to kill a few more thousand people before we’re done, but we’re about to turn that country into a democratic free enterprise economy and when we do that currency of theirs is going to go up. told her how every advisor in mainstream America advised against investing in the Euro and how every single one of them was dead wrong.

Taught her about small cap stock theory. Indian telecom stocks, and nanotech stocks. Good plays for fast or slow money long before the mainstream starts reading about it in the money magazines on the newsstands. That's the thing, that's the point of this, people listen to the mainstream stuff a lot more readily than to more underground stuff. but the people behind the scenes have already been there and done that. so the mainstream stuff is always going to put you a few steps behind where you to be. is nanotech risky? Sure it is. but it’s the biotech of the next year or two. Money to be made. is India a proven ground and common knowledge yet for the average investor? Hell no. so you're going to be going it alone for the most part. But India is the china of the next few years. invest now. make money. invest when everyone else is and make maybe a little bit if you're lucky.

The big juicy romantic good guy wins and gets the girl at the end of the movie conclusion to all of this? there are always going to be mainstreamers telling you you're wrong. that's just the way it is. but when you know, you know. and there's nothing wrong with being one of the ones who knows. it may feel a little weird and uncomfortable not to fit in with everyone around you. in fact, it may just plain suck. But the mainstream media is pretty heartless in their unwillingness to apologize after they neglected to mention that big money was being made in biotech years before the average investor was. and it’s the same thing with Chechnya. No one is going to apologize to us for not bothering to mention that the Chechen people are actually in a fight for their lives and that they are freedom fighters committing terrorist acts rather than pure terrorists with no real motives. The mainstream media is always going to be on whatever side they think they need to be on to please the majority of the people. you may read a horrible review of the new Britney spears album in the BACK of the magazine, but that's not going to stop them from putting her on the FRONT cover.

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